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Tom Parr Lines

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Fair play to ye boys,ye dont let the cat out of the bag or shoot of the big mouths.No way would ye inform or give information,unless ye were tortured first. I thought for a minute ye were going to sta

hang on an hour pal im sure some bright spark will put up his address and full contact details

If TP terriers are GOULD,PARKES,AND AC bred then how can he have a line of his own,he may have bred a few pups but its all someone else's breeding.He also had a dog called no nose teddy if im right an

  On 26/01/2013 at 10:01, liamdelaney said:
  On 23/01/2013 at 19:20, tillearthdouspart said:

Very clever Liam nothing was giving away to the unknown, what was posted ment nothing and clap clap for such a brave man you are for putting your name up Liam Delaney the mighty . Noting was given away only by you mouthing off makes if more obvious .

Our own Irish history has been full of informers and quislings for over eight hundred years,so it irks me SLIGHTLY when I see Irish people talking about other's,I presume you are Irish and not plastic,if you are the latter it would explain a lot.I choose whether to put up my name,or not,should everybody else not be giving the same courtesy?Are you sure your Sir name is not Black or Gilmore?

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I think your jumping the Gun Liam who did I inform ,what info did I give away and why bring our history in it you sound like your a jibber jabber and you love it voicing yourself over the site ,the same guy I bet would run a mile if he seen a tan... Away with yourself and talk shite ta someone else who gives a duck.

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If TP terriers are GOULD,PARKES,AND AC bred then how can he have a line of his own,he may have bred a few pups but its all someone else's breeding.He also had a dog called no nose teddy if im right and he was bred by someone else aswell.His wife bred some usefull wheatens if memory serves me right.

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  On 26/01/2013 at 19:25, James Doyle said:

Whos stuff do u call it then lol


I think it depends on what he has bred to what if you know what i mean.Do you know the parents of your pups James,and what way they were bred,if you do then you may be able to trace back to who's line there out of or what line is xd with what.

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  On 26/01/2013 at 19:20, fat man said:

If TP terriers are GOULD,PARKES,AND AC bred then how can he have a line of his own,he may have bred a few pups but its all someone else's breeding.He also had a dog called no nose teddy if im right and he was bred by someone else aswell.His wife bred some usefull wheatens if memory serves me right.

i am only saying what the man himself told me when i was over that side of the water i do know ac and him are good mates im not saying its his or anybody elses line there was a wheaton there [tully] at stud i think his wife also bred rottys aswell
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It's a tricky one alright lads , I suppose could you question alot of breeding lines then, I think when a man establish s himself with a flow of working terriers and gets a name for doing so even tho he was nt born owning these terriers picked them up here and there can it be called his breeding my opinion no but if he has this one line most his life he will feel their his terriers and so will the guys he shares than with. So there for this confusion will always arise.

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