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Ive just sent this back to them. See if i get a decent reply this time.   "Both the BBC Complaints team and the producers of The One Show have missed the point. "Lamping" is not an unlawful activity

My reply back to them   Dear BBC Complaints, Unfortunately I feel it necessary to once again contact in regard to this matter as your response has completely failed to answer the main issue. In yo

matt baker should have f*****g spoken up.

Ive just sent this back to them. See if i get a decent reply this time.


"Both the BBC Complaints team and the producers of The One Show have missed the point. "Lamping" is not an unlawful activity that can some times be lawful, it is a lawful activity that can sometimes unlawful. Lamping in itself is not illegal, only the method of dispatching the quarry animal. It is a method used all over the country for the vast majority of the year and is vital to the management of the countryside. The producers of The One Show have unknowingly or knowingly, and I suspect the latter, sandwiched a totally legal activity in between tales of animal cruelty. Miranda Krestovnikoff described "lamping" as, and I quote (50.01 into the program on iPlayer) "A new bloodsport called lamping which is very popular during these long dark nights where people go out with very powerful lights and lurcher style dogs and basically try to bring down badgers and foxes and deer". Miranda Krestovnikoff has covered stories like this alot so I am sure she is fairly knowledgeable on the subject and as such I cannot believe that this misrepresentation of the facts is anything other than a deliberate attempt to paint any one with a lurcher/gun and a lamp as a wildlife criminal. I was under the assumption that the BBC was obliged to be factually correct and unbiased and in this respect The One Show and therefore the BBC have failed. There was no mention in the program of the legal uses of "lamping", only the implication that all "lamping" was illegal."

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Ive just sent this back to them. See if i get a decent reply this time.


"Both the BBC Complaints team and the producers of The One Show have missed the point. "Lamping" is not an unlawful activity that can some times be lawful, it is a lawful activity that can sometimes unlawful. Lamping in itself is not illegal, only the method of dispatching the quarry animal. It is a method used all over the country for the vast majority of the year and is vital to the management of the countryside. The producers of The One Show have unknowingly or knowingly, and I suspect the latter, sandwiched a totally legal activity in between tales of animal cruelty. Miranda Krestovnikoff described "lamping" as, and I quote (50.01 into the program on iPlayer) "A new bloodsport called lamping which is very popular during these long dark nights where people go out with very powerful lights and lurcher style dogs and basically try to bring down badgers and foxes and deer". Miranda Krestovnikoff has covered stories like this alot so I am sure she is fairly knowledgeable on the subject and as such I cannot believe that this misrepresentation of the facts is anything other than a deliberate attempt to paint any one with a lurcher/gun and a lamp as a wildlife criminal. I was under the assumption that the BBC was obliged to be factually correct and unbiased and in this respect The One Show and therefore the BBC have failed. There was no mention in the program of the legal uses of "lamping", only the implication that all "lamping" was illegal."


Very nicely put mate

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