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Out Last Night On The Rats

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This is the second time ive been out this year, i went out saturday to a place were i knew there were some rats on the keepers property and shot two in the first hour, the keeper came back from being out foxing about 9.30pm and siad he seen 4 round the dog kennals near his house and could i go and have a look so, i went round and shot another 4.


Any way last night had a spare bit of time so went to the same spot out side his house and put some nutella/penut butter/ oil mix bait down and waited.


This it the view through my home made night site, i was having trouble due all the snow was reflecting the light from the keepers flood light over his drive so i was getting some light interfirance.


Heres a picture from the screen taken off my camera phone so alot of the quality is lost but you get the idea. The crack in the wall that you can just make out in the photo is crystal clear on the screen!


The rats were running from behind the panel on the right to the teleghraph pole on the left so i put the bait in the middle.



Had an hour or so up there in the freezing cold, it wass so cold after filling the rifle up to 200bar by the time i had shot the rat the pressure had dropped down to 160bar and when i got home again it after being in the ouse abit it had gone back to around 180bar.


Here are the victims after i lined them all up.


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Thanks guy, not been on the forum long and have learnt so much already!


I'm well impressed with the set up even if I do say so myself just need to keep practicing.


There was only one I couldn't find, I know i whacked it right between the eyes as it was face on to me but it still managed to jump down a run. Could the pellet have ricocheted off its head?


Is it best to wait for them to turn and aim just below the ear and between the ear and the eye.


ATB Matt

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