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ferret problems

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alright all , has anyone ever had kits that have deformed , can you tell as soon as you handle them ???

the reason iam asking is my kits are 7weeks on sunday and over the last few days have become more mobil apart from the hobs which dont move like the others and have got large lumps on there backs by they"re shoulders and started to breath heavy :no: so have had to put them to sleep :(

just had a call from my mate whos just read a book about ferrets and say that it could be a calcium defiencey due to the meat i was feeding them on (minced lamp and beef) it says that it happens to kits from 6-12 weeks old , in all the years ive been around ferrets its a first time this has happened gutted :(

so becarefull what you feed them (RABBIT) is the only option

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alright all , has anyone ever had kits that have deformed , can you tell as soon as you handle them ???

the reason iam asking is my kits are 7weeks on sunday and over the last few days have become more mobil apart from the hobs which dont move like the others and have got large lumps on there backs by they"re shoulders and started to breath heavy :no: so have had to put them to sleep :(

just had a call from my mate whos just read a book about ferrets and say that it could be a calcium defiencey due to the meat i was feeding them on (minced lamp and beef) it says that it happens to kits from 6-12 weeks old , in all the years ive been around ferrets its a first time this has happened gutted :(

so becarefull what you feed them (RABBIT) is the only option


were the hobs moving about like little seals with there back legs sticking out to the sides ?

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alright all , has anyone ever had kits that have deformed , can you tell as soon as you handle them ???

the reason iam asking is my kits are 7weeks on sunday and over the last few days have become more mobil apart from the hobs which dont move like the others and have got large lumps on there backs by they"re shoulders and started to breath heavy :no: so have had to put them to sleep :(

just had a call from my mate whos just read a book about ferrets and say that it could be a calcium defiencey due to the meat i was feeding them on (minced lamp and beef) it says that it happens to kits from 6-12 weeks old , in all the years ive been around ferrets its a first time this has happened gutted :(

so becarefull what you feed them (RABBIT) is the only option


Were the ferrets shuffling along rather than walking & were any limbs sticking out to the side when they moved ?

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alright all , has anyone ever had kits that have deformed , can you tell as soon as you handle them ???

the reason iam asking is my kits are 7weeks on sunday and over the last few days have become more mobil apart from the hobs which dont move like the others and have got large lumps on there backs by they"re shoulders and started to breath heavy :no: so have had to put them to sleep :(

just had a call from my mate whos just read a book about ferrets and say that it could be a calcium defiencey due to the meat i was feeding them on (minced lamp and beef) it says that it happens to kits from 6-12 weeks old , in all the years ive been around ferrets its a first time this has happened gutted :(

so becarefull what you feed them (RABBIT) is the only option


Were the ferrets shuffling along rather than walking & were any limbs sticking out to the side when they moved ?

no they seemed fine until yesterday till i found that the hobs had them lumps , they didnt have them before . cant understand why this has happened now in a couple of days and just the hobs :no:

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i now frank it is a strange one , iam at a lose with it to be honest :(

its been a few years since iv had kits so i mite be getting paraniod here but how mobil should they be at this age (7weeks sunday) cheers fezz

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i now frank it is a strange one , iam at a lose with it to be honest :(

its been a few years since iv had kits so i mite be getting paraniod here but how mobil should they be at this age (7weeks sunday) cheers fezz


There is a condition called Osteodystrophy which is caused by feeding muscle rich meat , this kit of mines 5 weeks old tomorrow & all over the place in the cage

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i now frank it is a strange one , iam at a lose with it to be honest :(

its been a few years since iv had kits so i mite be getting paraniod here but how mobil should they be at this age (7weeks sunday) cheers fezz


There is a condition called Osteodystrophy which is caused by feeding muscle rich meat , this kit of mines 5 weeks old tomorrow & all over the place in the cage


thats what my mate was telling me about , gutted but still got 4 gills left so see how things are with them ,they seem fine and mobil so fingers crossed, thanks fezz :)

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alright all , has anyone ever had kits that have deformed , can you tell as soon as you handle them ???

the reason iam asking is my kits are 7weeks on sunday and over the last few days have become more mobil apart from the hobs which dont move like the others and have got large lumps on there backs by they"re shoulders and started to breath heavy :no: so have had to put them to sleep :(

just had a call from my mate whos just read a book about ferrets and say that it could be a calcium defiencey due to the meat i was feeding them on (minced lamp and beef) it says that it happens to kits from 6-12 weeks old , in all the years ive been around ferrets its a first time this has happened gutted :(

so becarefull what you feed them (RABBIT) is the only option

sorry to hear that Fezz, i had the same problem a few years back, the backbones were curved over and the legs were more like flippers on a seal, :cry: when they were a week old they looked perfect, then this happened over the next two weeks, but i put it down to the fact that i had mated brother and sister, :cry::hmm:

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alright all , has anyone ever had kits that have deformed , can you tell as soon as you handle them ???

the reason iam asking is my kits are 7weeks on sunday and over the last few days have become more mobil apart from the hobs which dont move like the others and have got large lumps on there backs by they"re shoulders and started to breath heavy :no: so have had to put them to sleep :(

just had a call from my mate whos just read a book about ferrets and say that it could be a calcium defiencey due to the meat i was feeding them on (minced lamp and beef) it says that it happens to kits from 6-12 weeks old , in all the years ive been around ferrets its a first time this has happened gutted :(

so becarefull what you feed them (RABBIT) is the only option

sorry to hear that Fezz, i had the same problem a few years back, the backbones were curved over and the legs were more like flippers on a seal, :cry: when they were a week old they looked perfect, then this happened over the next two weeks, but i put it down to the fact that i had mated brother and sister, :cry::hmm:


hi mate they havint got the seal legs just the lump on the back . the hob i used is my mates and its not from this area so cant see it being a close mateing , just put it down to one of them things :o

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just home from work ,went out to see the kits and an oyher has got a lump on her back :blink: they where fine yesterday no problems at all . feckin pissed off :no::angry:

I had to put 2 of mine to sleep yesterday for the same reasons :no: I hope the rest of mine are fine :thumbs:

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just home from work ,went out to see the kits and an oyher has got a lump on her back :blink: they where fine yesterday no problems at all . feckin pissed off :no::angry:

I had to put 2 of mine to sleep yesterday for the same reasons :no: I hope the rest of mine are fine :thumbs:


hi mate , just wondering what you have been feeding your gills on before they droped there kits and what have you been feeding the kits on .

ive been feeding allsorts to the gill , and minced lamb and beef + rabbit to the kits , got an other litter due and of this month and ive been feeding mostly rabbit to her so fingers x there ok. cheers fezz

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Bread and Milk :thumbs:





























:D No I been feeding Chicken, Lamb, some skinned Pheasent that I had from last year. I wish I had fed them soley on Rabbit, Pigeon etc now, just I dont do any Rabbiting in Summer so I didnt have any :no:

Unfortuantly I have learnt the hard way, by having to put 2 to sleep. I certainly will only be rearing any future kits on whole carcuss from now on. I just hope to god that the rest will be fine :notworthy:


Got to say a big thanks to Madcows for bringing me round plenty of whole Rabbit, Squirrel and Pigeons. I hope its not to late, but they are gettng fed on proper grub now.


All part of the big learning curve, a big one it has been too :icon_eek: Lets just hope any litters we breed in the future will turn out healthy.


H&J :thumbs:

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