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Pigeons In Snow

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whent out yesterday and cleared a patch of snow on rape tried for a couple of hours but nothing moving as far as the eye could see we decided to go look at another bit of permission to see if we could bay some on way to roost , when we arrived we have never seen so many in one field must of been every bird for miles around all in one flock they have gone through a field of rape like locusts .must of been 4000 + in a small field next to us ,we had half hour or so and bagged some as they started leaving .all were quite far from us but the odd ones came over ,i took one out and paced 68 yards was not a fluke as next was just on 80 yards both shots amazed me and my mate as i was on kent 71/2 shot .wouldnt normaly try that far but been missing loads near birds even with half choke my mate said its very tight pattern,its a gun i havernt had long and thought i couldnt use so going to change choke and try again .

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birds were very full but well under wieght ,very mucky feather .still carnt get my head around the damage caused the field we were in had gone every peace of green leaf picked out was srtange to see a crop like that just storks left looked like small christmas trees that had roped all there needles

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