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info on reverse 3/4 bull/grey

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Seen a reverse 3/4 a few weeks back at the North Wales show (St Aseph), a crackin looker, the dog just looked like a pure bred an was for sale (wonder why), any Copper worth his salt would be right 'on' to a dog like that if stopped, especially if it bore the 'mark's' of its trade. I prefer a few more gears, most halfs should suffice.....

that dog looks a picture of health

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heres my 2nd generation 1/4 at ten month day after getting hit by a car ,about 50mph was so lucky hit his muzzle not the back of his head 2 inch further across dead dog! ran across behind my 3yr first gen 1/4 after my friend charlie,knocked him out cold and blood pissing out of his mouth and nose next day sore but eating bred from a dog called jack from jason powel bitch from joe smith all i can say is what a dog! bout 26inch 70lb now 12 month


if he keeps going the way hes going will do the job a 1/2 does but with more speed

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thanks for the replys lads :drink: i think the reverse 3/4 is more of a terriermans dog but thats just my opinion :) all the dogs in this tread look spot on. im getting a well bred irish track bitch in 2 weeks and shes being lined to my good mates dog rocky ( first cross ) he's done all that has been asked of him and much more so next season i will have hopefully 2 nice well bred 3/4 greyhound 1/4 bull dog pups to run. im having 2 dog pups aswell as my mate who's having 2 dog pups he owns the sire and the rest to friends and good mates. cheers lads, keith


ps. has anyone got a pic of a reverse 3/4 and of adult 3/4 grey 1/4 bulls. cheers

Edited by bullyson
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these are cut vest and collar for boar hunting, my friend makes them in texas they do different strenghts some with steel mesh between layers have been tested many times and work very well



not many people would need these here but any of you aus and NZ hog hunters looking and interested i can put you in touch

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Get it young get it to respect your terriers and if its got the right blood it will be worth its weight in gold the heavier pups to the out and out digging lads the lighter pups to those who desire just a touch more vesatility.Your never going to win many shows or racing competitions with it but on those not to cold wet nights you could have a right old tear up.lol

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Hi matey, just get a good half cross then its a bit more versitile...or.... a very good 3/4 bred and get even more versitility and speed...JMHO :yes:


well put mr Darcy :big_boss:


that what i been trying to tell u lol did you think he was on a bout breeding 3/4 greyhound 1/4 bull cross and what ban we talking about there isnt one but there is for the antis you get a lot of them on this form so be carefull to what you say and one more thing stop trying to act a hard man you can tell your a chav and think about what u put on this form about hunting


im not trying to act a hard man at all and im not a chav, all im saying is look at some of your quotes they just don't add up thats all.

ive had bulls around me all my life at some stage or another and my grandfather before me, there are alot of people on this site that no me personaly and know what im about i have alot of respect for this breed in some cases i have more respect for these dogs than i do some people espicaly the pricks that walkround with them trying to make there selfs look hard, luckly i do not come in that catergory, i dont know what type of breed of dog you're into so i dont know if we are reading out of the same book.


i just think its ashem that you seem to have a opion the most bull cross oweners are all tard with the same brush therefore as i dont come under the catergory that you are quoteing i will apoligise if i have offended you in any way and i hope this will be the end of the matter all the best lee.

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i suppose a 3/4 bull bred dog has it's uses, but i cant see it being any better than a good half cross.

i've noticed that a lot of the pure bulls or 3/4 bulls tend to want to fight there quarry rather than kill it efficiently maybe this is because they just dont give a f**k about getting there face chewed off ...lol.

i personally would'nt have a 3/4 bull because i know for a fact that a good 1/2 cross or even a good 5/8 3/8 can do a better job when it comes to terrier work, lamping, and bushing even, e.g its allright having a 3/4 bred dog purely for terrier work but what happens when you drop on a fox and it suddenly bolts, and all you can see is a fox leaving the big hard as f**k bull cross for dust ? i've seen this with half crosses so i can only imagine what a something with even more bull in its breeding would be like.

i've always said it does'nt matter how good a dog is at killing stuff, it has to catch it first, you cant kill what you cant catch. :)

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Guest waldorf
i suppose a 3/4 bull bred dog has it's uses, but i cant see it being any better than a good half cross.

i've noticed that a lot of the pure bulls or 3/4 bulls tend to want to fight there quarry rather than kill it efficiently maybe this is because they just dont give a f**k about getting there face chewed off ...lol.

i personally would'nt have a 3/4 bull because i know for a fact that a good 1/2 cross or even a good 5/8 3/8 can do a better job when it comes to terrier work, lamping, and bushing even, e.g its allright having a 3/4 bred dog purely for terrier work but what happens when you drop on a fox and it suddenly bolts, and all you can see is a fox leaving the big hard as f**k bull cross for dust ? i've seen this with half crosses so i can only imagine what a something with even more bull in its breeding would be like.

i've always said it does'nt matter how good a dog is at killing stuff, it has to catch it first, you cant kill what you cant catch. :)


i think you are spot on lucky,a good half cross will get the job done in shorter order then a pure bred or 3/4 bullgreyhound,and theres the added bonus that if you can get a 2nd 3rd or 4th generation1/2 crosses,these dogs are fast enough to stop everything on the lamp,just my opinuon,

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