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Squirrel Killer Faces Jail.

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changed my mind billy ,i think the owd lad should be flogged in public then hung & garroted his kids sold into slavery & wife made homeless ,the dirty rotten b*****d killed a tree rat same 1 a

Well here is my two peneth.   The old boy OR anybody who does not have the capable means to despatch a cage trapped animal should not own a LIVE catch cage.   Again its the profit mongerers sellin

the owd lad probably thought it was dead ,hes not a burglar ,rapist ,mugger or terrorist why should he go to jail ,there are burglars with 4000 offences never seen jail , bloody hell hes 75 yrs old ok

I read about that.


From what I understand;


He put 2x.22 rounds in its head then went shopping.

Neighbour sees signs of life in the squirrel. calls rspca.

Xray showed two more rounds in the shoulder.



I can see both sides of the story.

I can empathise with the accused, squirrels are tough, but his apparent failure to respect his quarry and make CERTAIN it was dead (I feel for a heartbeat in ALL I shoot) has landed him in trouble.


Put it this way, if a doctor shut me in a morgue because he failed to check my pulse, I wouldn't be impressed. "Do unto others" is not limited to humans in my opinion.

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I read about that.


From what I understand;


He put 2x.22 rounds in its head then went shopping.

Neighbour sees signs of life in the squirrel. calls rspca.

Xray showed two more rounds in the shoulder.



I can see both sides of the story.

I can empathise with the accused, squirrels are tough, but his apparent failure to respect his quarry and make CERTAIN it was dead (I feel for a heartbeat in ALL I shoot) has landed him in trouble.


Put it this way, if a doctor shut me in a morgue because he failed to check my pulse, I wouldn't be impressed. "Do unto others" is not limited to humans in my opinion.


What the feck did he hit it with a .22 feather?

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That practice is bourne of experience.


.22 or .177 I do it regardless. I've shot enough animals to witness and be amazed by the power of life and its stubbornness to endure. Looks can be decieving, as we know from humans. Outwardly they may look, even feel dead and yet they are alive.

I daresay even checking the heart may not 100%. It's a powerful force we're playing with.




Can anyone identify the rifle? I'm guessing an old BSA/Webley.

Edited by milegajo
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This story is about guns and not the man behind it. Had he attempted to drown it and then it "resurrected" he would not be up before the beak.


I make a habit of NOT reading the tripe published (though i cant seem to help myself when using it to start a fire!). This was pointed out to me and what you said were pretty much my exact words!

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BSA Meteor or Meteor Super I thought - with pellets lodged from that kind of range? Can't be capable of shooting the length of the garden.

The RSPCA Chief Exec was up before the Charity Commission the other day - they are not squeaky clean themselves, just more powerful than an old man on his own.

I don't think he did himself any favours by not showing any concern for the quarry - but trapping and shooting with an air rifle is perfectly acceptablemethod of squirrel control Wildlife conservation projects do it all the time.


ith regard to checking quarry - yes I do. Touch the eye, that will give a reaction if there is any life left. I do not want to get bitten by either a rat or tree rat. You seen their teeth? :icon_eek:

Edited by Acuspell
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