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New Political Party Against Islam

Guest ragumup

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no i said they are potrayed for propaganda purposes by the main stream parties.they are from the right,and do have a lot of support from the far right.however that is nothing the party has encouraged,but they need support,and they certainly dont surround themselfs with the boot boys lol

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lol nice try lads.however the general populace knows they couldnt run a bath. put education and health and all the other branches of the goverment in thier hands are you serious? i do not like the t

As always, people (no one in particular) make loads of noise about getting rid of those who don't belong ........... But, someone is using their businesses and making them feel welcome. Don't expect

cause the bnp wont get any political clout in this country.the party is full of ignorant morons

As always, people (no one in particular) make loads of noise about getting rid of those who don't belong ...........

But, someone is using their businesses and making them feel welcome.

Don't expect others to do what you haven't done yourself.

Don't deal with them, don't acknowledge them, walk through them, over them or around them, but don't give them your money.

Out of hundreds and hundreds of "them" who have contacted me over the years for gear, I bet it can be counted on one hand the amount I've dealt with.

I'd rather be skint then spending their money.

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Aaargh ! It's propaganda, the powers that be need you to hate muslims so they can keep public opinion on side to continue their wars for profit in the middle east.

Meanwhile they strip your civil rights away in the name of 'anti terrorism' while creating ever more terrorists out of innocent people who have had their homes and families destroyed.

I dont want muslims in this country any more than you, but WHO LET THEM IN ?

You moan about these muslim sex cases while ignoring the ever mounting evidence that there are nonces in the highest positions of office.


Wake the f*ck up !!

nowt to do with propaganda i live in a street full of the cxnts the only good thing is they are scared of dogs

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we as a nation have been betrayed by consecutive goverments are so called political partys are no differant

they have sold the nations assests and coluded in the betrayel of its people , mass immergration has been

planned , while the indigenous peoples of the uk are being vilified , yes we have people of are own who

rape are system yes we have are fair share of scum , but what is happening now is he invasion of the uk

by every eu state unloading its scum and chances thieves and vagabonds upon us ,

we have been brain washed over the last 30 years to accept the common market which was replaced without


LET THEM, they have systematically destroyed are industrys , which in turn destroyed the unions

while are forces fight in far off lands for the rights of muslims are own people are having theirs

stripped one by one , they tell us immergration is good for the ecomoney while we have the biggest

youth unemployment in euroupe lack of skilled labour , are next batch of royal fleet aux ship are being

built in taiwan as none of are ship yards tenderd for them , train are own and invest in are own

the cannon fodder of two world wars were good enough to die for this country the men who fought thier

way across europe to liberate it never fought for their great great grandchildren to be treated like


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lol nice try lads.however the general populace knows they couldnt run a bath. put education and health and all the other branches of the goverment in thier hands are you serious?

i do not like the tories or labour,but i would vote for them everytime,if the alternative was bnp,and used to be a big fan of the bnp.however i grew up and realised the only reason they stick around,is for the freebies that come with being a politician,griffin and his followers know they will never get any power in this country.they havent even attempted to change or make thier party more acceptable.If they were at all serious about politics,they would boot that clown griffin from the party and the old guard of the boot boys from the NF.yes the present parties are shafting us,but the countries infrastructure still ticks over.im not having a dig here at all lads,but i find it bizzare that anyone with an ounce of sense would even consider voting for them,there f***ing worse that useless.look at ukip to most of the main stream they are a far right party,even cameron knows they are a danger,thats why he tries to sully them and make them look like the bnp,but this time the british people dont buy into that,you wont find ukip candidates brawling in the streets with pakis.To some lads they may think thats funny and quite right,but to the people that it matters to,it just fills them with dread.no ukip has it sussed and they are a serious contendor for goverment.if it does go to the wire in the next election,see how cameron will change his tune and try and strike a deal with ukip.that wouldnt even be an option if it were the bnp.so if you want change and i assume most do,then put your vote to a party that has a good chance.


Well said Scot, my sentiments exactly. UKIP have to keep up their credibility!

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As always, people (no one in particular) make loads of noise about getting rid of those who don't belong ...........


But, someone is using their businesses and making them feel welcome.


Don't expect others to do what you haven't done yourself.


Don't deal with them, don't acknowledge them, walk through them, over them or around them, but don't give them your money.


Out of hundreds and hundreds of "them" who have contacted me over the years for gear, I bet it can be counted on one hand the amount I've dealt with.


I'd rather be skint then spending their money.

Thats all well and good and its an admireable stance to take......but that stance can only work if your a small business or working from home type of thing......the luxury of choosing who you sell a product to or whos house you plaster cant work for a big business or a business " open to the public " so to speak....

A nightclub owner or restaurant owner for example who puts a notice on his doors saying " No Muslims " will be closed down by the end of the week and most probably on the front page of the News of the World !!...........Folk are constantly saying " dont just moan about it do something ".......but for many people putting their trust in those we vote for is as much as they can physically do.

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As always, people (no one in particular) make loads of noise about getting rid of those who don't belong ...........


But, someone is using their businesses and making them feel welcome.


Don't expect others to do what you haven't done yourself.


Don't deal with them, don't acknowledge them, walk through them, over them or around them, but don't give them your money.


Out of hundreds and hundreds of "them" who have contacted me over the years for gear, I bet it can be counted on one hand the amount I've dealt with.


I'd rather be skint then spending their money.

Thats all well and good and its an admireable stance to take......but that stance can only work if your a small business or working from home type of thing......the luxury of choosing who you sell a product to or whos house you plaster cant work for a big business or a business " open to the public " so to speak....

A nightclub owner or restaurant owner for example who puts a notice on his doors saying " No Muslims " will be closed down by the end of the week and most probably on the front page of the News of the World !!...........Folk are constantly saying " dont just moan about it do something ".......but for many people putting their trust in those we vote for is as much as they can physically do.

Agreed to an extent, if you work for a company who send you to a house then I guess you do have to go.


But any of us can choose which shops we spend in, which taxis we get into, who we speak to.



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As always, people (no one in particular) make loads of noise about getting rid of those who don't belong ...........


But, someone is using their businesses and making them feel welcome.


Don't expect others to do what you haven't done yourself.


Don't deal with them, don't acknowledge them, walk through them, over them or around them, but don't give them your money.


Out of hundreds and hundreds of "them" who have contacted me over the years for gear, I bet it can be counted on one hand the amount I've dealt with.


I'd rather be skint then spending their money.

Thats all well and good and its an admireable stance to take......but that stance can only work if your a small business or working from home type of thing......the luxury of choosing who you sell a product to or whos house you plaster cant work for a big business or a business " open to the public " so to speak....

A nightclub owner or restaurant owner for example who puts a notice on his doors saying " No Muslims " will be closed down by the end of the week and most probably on the front page of the News of the World !!...........Folk are constantly saying " dont just moan about it do something ".......but for many people putting their trust in those we vote for is as much as they can physically do.

Agreed to an extent, if you work for a company who send you to a house then I guess you do have to go.


But any of us can choose which shops we spend in, which taxis we get into, who we speak to.



I meant from a gaffers point of view...re your " id rather be skint than spending their money " ....." using their businesses and making them feel welcome " statements.............yes we can all shop where we want and GIVE money to who we want................but its not always that black and white who we TAKE money from.

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As always, people (no one in particular) make loads of noise about getting rid of those who don't belong ...........


But, someone is using their businesses and making them feel welcome.


Don't expect others to do what you haven't done yourself.


Don't deal with them, don't acknowledge them, walk through them, over them or around them, but don't give them your money.


Out of hundreds and hundreds of "them" who have contacted me over the years for gear, I bet it can be counted on one hand the amount I've dealt with.


I'd rather be skint then spending their money.

Thats all well and good and its an admireable stance to take......but that stance can only work if your a small business or working from home type of thing......the luxury of choosing who you sell a product to or whos house you plaster cant work for a big business or a business " open to the public " so to speak....

A nightclub owner or restaurant owner for example who puts a notice on his doors saying " No Muslims " will be closed down by the end of the week and most probably on the front page of the News of the World !!...........Folk are constantly saying " dont just moan about it do something ".......but for many people putting their trust in those we vote for is as much as they can physically do.

Agreed to an extent, if you work for a company who send you to a house then I guess you do have to go.


But any of us can choose which shops we spend in, which taxis we get into, who we speak to.



I meant from a gaffers point of view...re your " id rather be skint than spending their money " ....." using their businesses and making them feel welcome " statements.............yes we can all shop where we want and GIVE money to who we want................but its not always that black and white who we TAKE money from.

Fcking hell Gnasher, don't you start bullying Gaffer too :laugh: :laugh:


Yes, I appreciate I'm in an unusual position, but we can all do our bit in our own little way.

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lol nice try lads.however the general populace knows they couldnt run a bath. put education and health and all the other branches of the goverment in thier hands are you serious?

i do not like the tories or labour,but i would vote for them everytime,if the alternative was bnp,and used to be a big fan of the bnp.however i grew up and realised the only reason they stick around,is for the freebies that come with being a politician,griffin and his followers know they will never get any power in this country.they havent even attempted to change or make thier party more acceptable.If they were at all serious about politics,they would boot that clown griffin from the party and the old guard of the boot boys from the NF.yes the present parties are shafting us,but the countries infrastructure still ticks over.im not having a dig here at all lads,but i find it bizzare that anyone with an ounce of sense would even consider voting for them,there f***ing worse that useless.look at ukip to most of the main stream they are a far right party,even cameron knows they are a danger,thats why he tries to sully them and make them look like the bnp,but this time the british people dont buy into that,you wont find ukip candidates brawling in the streets with pakis.To some lads they may think thats funny and quite right,but to the people that it matters to,it just fills them with dread.no ukip has it sussed and they are a serious contendor for goverment.if it does go to the wire in the next election,see how cameron will change his tune and try and strike a deal with ukip.that wouldnt even be an option if it were the bnp.so if you want change and i assume most do,then put your vote to a party that has a good chance.

Spot on mate, absolutely spot on.

Those who know about the NF, those who used to get " Spearhead" delivered, those who know the BNP know they are clowns.

Even C18 managed to self destruct and to be honest any moderate person in the country would have run a mile from them anyway.


Same as that halfwit with his EDL, clowns to a man.

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As always, people (no one in particular) make loads of noise about getting rid of those who don't belong ...........

But, someone is using their businesses and making them feel welcome.

Don't expect others to do what you haven't done yourself.

Don't deal with them, don't acknowledge them, walk through them, over them or around them, but don't give them your money.

Out of hundreds and hundreds of "them" who have contacted me over the years for gear, I bet it can be counted on one hand the amount I've dealt with.

I'd rather be skint then spending their money.

I wouldn't !! Lol lol.......to be honest the " African" African lads are blinding to deal with and if you get an Indian or a Seik or Paki that's a straight runner then they are normally good to deal with to but you have to be hard with them from the off so they know you won't have any f***ing about.


It's the mean English c**ts that always think you are trying to rip them off that I can't stand !! Lol lol

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lol nice try lads.however the general populace knows they couldnt run a bath. put education and health and all the other branches of the goverment in thier hands are you serious?

i do not like the tories or labour,but i would vote for them everytime,if the alternative was bnp,and used to be a big fan of the bnp.however i grew up and realised the only reason they stick around,is for the freebies that come with being a politician,griffin and his followers know they will never get any power in this country.they havent even attempted to change or make thier party more acceptable.If they were at all serious about politics,they would boot that clown griffin from the party and the old guard of the boot boys from the NF.yes the present parties are shafting us,but the countries infrastructure still ticks over.im not having a dig here at all lads,but i find it bizzare that anyone with an ounce of sense would even consider voting for them,there f***ing worse that useless.look at ukip to most of the main stream they are a far right party,even cameron knows they are a danger,thats why he tries to sully them and make them look like the bnp,but this time the british people dont buy into that,you wont find ukip candidates brawling in the streets with pakis.To some lads they may think thats funny and quite right,but to the people that it matters to,it just fills them with dread.no ukip has it sussed and they are a serious contendor for goverment.if it does go to the wire in the next election,see how cameron will change his tune and try and strike a deal with ukip.that wouldnt even be an option if it were the bnp.so if you want change and i assume most do,then put your vote to a party that has a good chance.

Spot on mate, absolutely spot on.

Those who know about the NF, those who used to get " Spearhead" delivered, those who know the BNP know they are clowns.

Even C18 managed to self destruct and to be honest any moderate person in the country would have run a mile from them anyway.


Same as that halfwit with his EDL, clowns to a man.


By the very nature of being " far right " your always going to get a certain element of unsavioury chraracters and dickheads attach themself......the only way to get away from that is to not be far right..............if we cant establish good from bad within a group of people what chance do we have............are all football fans clowns because some little pricks attach their beliefs to football ? no......................I think them edl are a bunch of fools,but they are fools with a common bond ............when we was young you ran around with the nf or c18 type groups............today its the edl..........are our feelings any different today ? not really you just grow out of being daft and accept you cant do those things anymore............maybe folk are/was clowns for their actions but not for their beliefs....my opinion anyway.

Edited by gnasher16
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