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Thinking About Fac Licence

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been thinking about getting my FAC but im only after it for air guns , i have been looking over the forms but cant find anything on the forms about it just being for airguns


have any of you done this purely for airguns and how much of a pain was it .

the big reason for the upgrade is the hw80 sale i recently had that fell threw so i now have a spare 80 and after reading pianomans writings its got me thinking


cheers guys

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FAC airgun is a great tool and to me more enjoyable than .22 rimfire because of worrying about the higher chance of a ricochet, that and the fact I love airguns!


My FAC is purely for airguns and the application form where it says what cal you want just write FAC airgun, thats all I did and it was fine on my application. Its not much of a pain but just a bit of waiting that is frustrating. As long as you have been well behaved and have suitable land then I cant see there been much of a problem. On my application I needed another FAC certificate holder to take me out, watch me use there gun and then they had to vouch that I was a safe and responsible user of FAC rated rifles (ALLWAYS having a backstop and follow all safe handling practices) this was an essential part of my application, and quite odd considering holding an SGC for 8 years but if its necicery than so be it.


just dont forget to ad a moderator as this is classed as a firearm in itself once put on the gun.


good look with your application!, it was well worth it in my opinion.

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Agreed with the lads replies. You won't regret it mate! I use mine to shoot Mink and Rabbit to normal, sensible air rifle ranges. The power gets the pellet to the target very fast and very decisively! And it gives your shooting a longer reach if you can take longer range shots accurately! :thumbs:

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Hi pianoman sorry to bother you but I noticed you have 2x .177 air rifles do you use either of theese at FAC power levels too? and if so how do these peform? I have wondered about how .177 FAC airguns peform a few times.


cheers Tom.

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Not currently Tom. They are both sub 12 ft/lbs rifles. I had a TX200HC .177 on ticket and it was an amazingly accurate rifle. On AA Fields it was accurate to genuine one-hole groups at 45 metres. It was a precision high velocity air rifle that could take out a woodpigeon or Corvid at some really long range distances.




I had a few horrific instances with hitting rabbits clean through the head without actually hitting the brain and they would scream and run in agony. If they moved just as I fired it could result in serious woundings. Not by any means always, but, enough to refrain from reaching for it as a Rabbit hunting tool.


I've hit rabbits in the eye and the round has burst through the opposite eye sending them into blind agony. Another time, I hit one just at the base of its earlobe. The round went clean through the back-width of the base of the head to exit through the opposite lobe. sending the poor thing screaming through a woodland copse. I found it and despatched it as humanely and as fast as I could but, not before it had exhausted itself almost to death. And that's not what this sport is about to me Tom. It's not fair mate.


The rifle did some horrible penetration/exit damage but lacked the knock-down, instantly fatal punch of FAC .22. I have never had anything of that happen with my FAC .22 HW80. It hits, it kills outright. Job done!


So the TX20HC FAC stayed behind in the cabinet while my other .22 rifles went out with me.. I got the current TX200HC .177 some years ago and it remains sub-12 ft/lbs and is brilliant just as she is! You cannot take an air rifle off your fac once it's been registered. I was able to trade my FAC TX200HC with an RFD for the HW97KT I now have.


There's nothing wrong with .177 on-ticket for bird shooting. But be prepared to experience some unpleasant episodes if you decide to hunt rabbits with it.



Edited by pianoman
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The other thing is, once you have an FAC you can drive the larger, heavier pellets at the same velocity as .177 - realistically you cannot take air above 975fps and retain accuracy. Physically you can go supersonic, but the noise is horrendous LOUDER than a .22LR without a moderator. The stability of the pellet in flight becomes compromised and accuracy is non existent. 950 is as fast as you really want to go - and you can do that with any calibre. To get the weight into a .177 pellet it HAS to become long, or dense, or both. None of which is conducive to effective terminal performance. It won't worry you with the breakbarrel, but in a PCP shot count is worth considering too - very high velocity (950) uses A LOT more air than just a mild decrease to 850-875fps, at which point everything seems to harmonise - accuracy is retained, flight arc is flatter than a sub 12 .177, noise is manageable to the same as sub 1, shot count is acceptable and terminal performance is effective at useful range. As an example of how much air is needed, going from 20ft-lbs to 24ft-lbs shot count halved in a .20 Rapid....imagine how much gets used to go at 31ft-lbs (maximum achieved).

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