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Theoben Rapid 7 .177 Or Hw100 .177

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I would think that anyone that states that one is far better than the other is being very blinkered :icon_eek: .


They both have their pro's and cons and it will only be the individual that can decide which suits him better.






Very large shot count.

Very accurate to max sub 12 ranges (unless its Daz7 shooting it, then its accurate to 15 yards) :icon_eek::blink:

Bullet proof and can be serviced in the field (so I've heard).

Great reputation (one of the best in air gunning).

Easily customized by people who know what they are doing.

Quiet with a quality silencer or very quieter with a Nutshot.




I believe the standard models don't come with a quick fill or air gauge unless its asked for as a extra (I may be wrong now) The one I used didn't have either.

The magazine i find can be fiddly and is spring loaded.

The standard Rapid silencer or the Vortex silencer isn't that quiet compared to a HW. The Long series is far better but very long so not that good if you like to keep your rifle carbine.

The price can be quite high from new.






Very accurate to max sub 12 ranges (unless its me shooting it ;)).

A average to just above average shot count.

Nice and compact.

Very quiet as standard.

Great magazine (no springs and non fiddily) great cocking system.

14 shots per magazine

Comes with 2 magazines as standard.

Great German repetition (one of the best).

Comes with a quick fill and air gauge as standard.

Great barrels.




Can slip over power or drop low on power.

Some say is a bit heavy.

Is a little expensive compared to something like a AA S510.


So as i see it both are very nice and Id own both quite happily.




Can't believe a Dropshort is Blaspheming against His Yoda Master :tongue2: :tongue2: :laugh:

Edited by Daz 7
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Even the magazines are being remade to the original design, with better quality materials again and cheaper. Good Old dr, Bob!



Is that the same Bob that said he would run them and they would be pennies to the lads on the Rapid forum , then the prices went up and up till they are the same as Theo ?

Edited by Buster321c
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im going rapid. never had one but i do like the.idea.of having a b bottle over an air cylinder. more.shots per fill. and if yiu have an fac license then you could knock it up to 30lbs and still have plenty of shots to punch paper and still go out for a shoot on the same fill. and lke it was stated in an earlier post the rapid have tonnes of aftermarket parts available. and theoretically it would be a little easier to shoot because the extra weight gives more stability. although some may see that as a bit of a down side.

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