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Dogs That Dont Run When See Rabiits

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The dog I said that stalked jogged down the beam then started creeping last 5 yards. It would stand about a yard away, one paw up waiting on the f****r to run. That was the only dog I've had that done that thank f**k. Dogs I have now(retired) both kind of trot down the beam and pick up a gear last 5 yards and scoop the fuckers up. Doesn't always work, sometimes rabbits jump, run under the dog, loads of things happen but I much prefer it. I can send them down the beam to nothing and they'll pretty much do the same, stop ears up, looking about quickly then look at me as if to say, you've set me on to a f*****g rain drop again ain't you, ya blind prick laugh.png


I think we all have slipped on a rain drop at some time or the other...atb

a rock once ...............smashed the dogs front teeth out too :yes:

My old dog did that............I was feckin positive it was a bunny, never go out when you been raving for a weekend. :D

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thats your collies for you

i seen most types of dog do it, an maybe some of them were sickend when young, but no chance were they all, i held a collie/grey back for being a puppyish an having an injury till he was well oer 2 an

I dont Cant beat a bit of feather  

come back it up then pal, your full a minyaka, an its plain to see.......


now we are talkin aboot taking them on the run, thoguth we was talkin aboot takin them oot there seat ffs... ohh i forgot it cant be done unless they stalk :laugh:



i dont claim to be a big hunter, quite the opposite infact, i just enjoy geting out way me dogs, an dont mind taking folks out, when did ye last see my pics of bags an days oot?? hardly big claims is it?? lol



it seems that imnot the only person who owns a dog that can do the impossible according to you, so maybe ill let somebody else try an explain it to you, iv tried an failed, an i offered to show you, but i seen your refusal coming a mile away :laugh:



for the last time mrs whippet :bye:

:laugh: still dodgeing the question......lol

i meant a dog running takeing squatters and you know that is what i meant....................nice try tho pal...................

the thing is with you reddawn ...................................you hate it when someone has a genuine question....................you could argue with yourself ...........

im just being genuine pal........nothing more nothing less ...................

each to there own .............................as long as the rabbits in the bag ......................thats the main thing............

hope you have a good end to the season............. :thumbs:

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iv answered your question you simpleton.... my dog changes down a gear an hits the bunny in its seat, but she aint stalking, whats so hard to grasp???



others have said the same thing, but its me thats hiding from the question... you pal are a clown, you have been offered to come see, yet you hide behind you dont want your dogs stole???????? clown

Edited by reddawn
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iv answered your question you simpleton.... my dog changes down a gear an hits the bunny in its seat, but she aint stalking, whats so hard to grasp???



others have said the same thing, but its me thats hiding from the question... you pal are a clown, you have been offered to come see, yet you hide behind you dont want your dogs stole???????? clown


Is that the reason he won't come up to you? Incase his dogs get stolen? Lol.

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iv answered your question you simpleton.... my dog changes down a gear an hits the bunny in its seat, but she aint stalking, whats so hard to grasp???



others have said the same thing, but its me thats hiding from the question... you pal are a clown, you have been offered to come see, yet you hide behind you dont want your dogs stole???????? clown

now you want to make it personal ....................................lol ............

grow up my love................it was only a question..................

i obviously hit a nerve ..................sorry about that pal.................

no hard feelings.................. :laugh:

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iv answered your question you simpleton.... my dog changes down a gear an hits the bunny in its seat, but she aint stalking, whats so hard to grasp???



others have said the same thing, but its me thats hiding from the question... you pal are a clown, you have been offered to come see, yet you hide behind you dont want your dogs stole???????? clown

being a bit nasty there arent we dawn?
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iv answered your question you simpleton.... my dog changes down a gear an hits the bunny in its seat, but she aint stalking, whats so hard to grasp???



others have said the same thing, but its me thats hiding from the question... you pal are a clown, you have been offered to come see, yet you hide behind you dont want your dogs stole???????? clown


Is that the reason he won't come up to you? Incase his dogs get stolen? Lol.

why dont you go up if your so intersted pal..........?

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iv answered your question you simpleton.... my dog changes down a gear an hits the bunny in its seat, but she aint stalking, whats so hard to grasp???



others have said the same thing, but its me thats hiding from the question... you pal are a clown, you have been offered to come see, yet you hide behind you dont want your dogs stole???????? clown

now you want to make it personal ....................................lol ............

grow up my love................it was only a question..................

i obviously hit a nerve ..................sorry about that pal.................

no hard feelings.................. :laugh:


no nerve hit here pal, im actually havin a laff way the 2nd mate to fone me an ask if ye being serious... like is aid sheltered life if that personal to you :laugh:

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iv answered your question you simpleton.... my dog changes down a gear an hits the bunny in its seat, but she aint stalking, whats so hard to grasp???



others have said the same thing, but its me thats hiding from the question... you pal are a clown, you have been offered to come see, yet you hide behind you dont want your dogs stole???????? clown


Is that the reason he won't come up to you? Incase his dogs get stolen? Lol.

why dont you go up if your so intersted pal..........?


the guy has asked, just as the snow hit as it happens, im sure he will be here before you :tongue2:

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if thats nasty to you, i guess your life has been as sheltered as his....................



he the 1 keeping it goin, asking me to answer a question i answered ages back.....

sheltered :laugh: so your run full pelt then drop down a gear :hmm: so they see every rabbit you slip em on dont miss a beat dont stalk they run full pelt every time you slip em :hmm:
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iv answered your question you simpleton.... my dog changes down a gear an hits the bunny in its seat, but she aint stalking, whats so hard to grasp???



others have said the same thing, but its me thats hiding from the question... you pal are a clown, you have been offered to come see, yet you hide behind you dont want your dogs stole???????? clown

now you want to make it personal ....................................lol ............

grow up my love................it was only a question..................

i obviously hit a nerve ..................sorry about that pal.................

no hard feelings.................. :laugh:


no nerve hit here pal, im actually havin a laff way the 2nd mate to fone me an ask if ye being serious... like is aid sheltered life if that personal to you :laugh:

its been a pleasure discussing this topic with you.............. :thumbs:

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