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Dogs That Dont Run When See Rabiits

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thats your collies for you

i seen most types of dog do it, an maybe some of them were sickend when young, but no chance were they all, i held a collie/grey back for being a puppyish an having an injury till he was well oer 2 an

I dont Cant beat a bit of feather  

My dog lurcher will stalk a squatter to within a couple of yards and then strike quickly.

My bitch lurcher goes full tilt from the slip and straight at squatters.

The dog catches more than the bitch from the seat. :hmm:


Cheers, D.

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seen it with young dogs that have had to meny bad slips where thay aint got much a a chance and in young dogs that are getting to much seen collie crosses fling a race on a long ear then killing the next one it chaces 5minits later also seen a dog that would run a long ear wouldent enter tane a rabbit and that dog had no collie in it a would take out with another dog and just let it watch then start given it one or two chaces but pick the ones the dog aint intrested in at the minite just what i would do everyone has diffrent ways

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  On 18/01/2013 at 17:27, reddawn said:

dogs that run flat oot at squatters usualy learn

mr reddawn i have a little querie here ,............now you say you wont entertain a dog that stalks but here you say DOGS THAT RUN FLAT OOT ON SQUATTERS USUALLY LEARN,.......... this would say to me that you are implying that they slow down on squatters,.................so they are technically stalking............they have learnt that running flat out at squatters dont bag them rabbits .................or they over shoot them................

stalking to me is great as i think its the most natural thing for a predator to do,............its a matter of life or death for alot of animals...............

the stalk is a natural way for them to preserve energy and gives them a better chance..........................at the end of the day i would class a dog that stalks would bag more rabbits than a dog running hell for leather...................using more energy resources .......................

especially on green rabbits that usually sit/squat from not seeing a beam...........

also these steady dogs that do stalk would be alot better over bad terrain such as hills etc.........and when i say stalk im referring to a dog that dont fook about it knows its there and takes precaution in finding and takeing it...................some dogs are great at it and it leaves plenty left in the tank..............

i dont want an argument i just want your opionion on your quote above..........

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  On 19/01/2013 at 07:43, whippet 99 said:
  On 18/01/2013 at 17:27, reddawn said:

dogs that run flat oot at squatters usualy learn

mr reddawn i have a little querie here ,............now you say you wont entertain a dog that stalks but here you say DOGS THAT RUN FLAT OOT ON SQUATTERS USUALLY LEARN,.......... this would say to me that you are implying that they slow down on squatters,.................so they are technically stalking............they have learnt that running flat out at squatters dont bag them rabbits .................or they over shoot them................

stalking to me is great as i think its the most natural thing for a predator to do,............its a matter of life or death for alot of animals...............

the stalk is a natural way for them to preserve energy and gives them a better chance..........................at the end of the day i would class a dog that stalks would bag more rabbits than a dog running hell for leather...................using more energy resources .......................

especially on green rabbits that usually sit/squat from not seeing a beam...........

also these steady dogs that do stalk would be alot better over bad terrain such as hills etc.........and when i say stalk im referring to a dog that dont fook about it knows its there and takes precaution in finding and takeing it...................some dogs are great at it and it leaves plenty left in the tank..............

i dont want an argument i just want your opionion on your quote above..........

like :thumbs: used all me like aint i :D
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  On 18/01/2013 at 16:39, border lad said:

this is going to put the cat amongst the pidgeons, ((( I have never seen a good Beddy x and yet there is people who talk them up,

they can even do the REDS, ((((( but if you mix the beddy/ with the collie cross, then you have some thing, but I personally have never seen one,

border lad i know your no mug mate and keep decent dogs have you been out with a few beddy crosses ?you sound like whin when you say that the same piss comes out of his mouth as well :thumbs:
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  On 19/01/2013 at 08:43, nothernlite said:
  On 18/01/2013 at 16:39, border lad said:

this is going to put the cat amongst the pidgeons, ((( I have never seen a good Beddy x and yet there is people who talk them up,

they can even do the REDS, ((((( but if you mix the beddy/ with the collie cross, then you have some thing, but I personally have never seen one,

border lad i know your no mug mate and keep decent dogs have you been out with a few beddy crosses ?you sound like whin when you say that the same piss comes out of his mouth as well :thumbs:

a bitch i got here is 1/2 grey 1/4 whip 1/8 beddy 1/8 collie and i will be more than happy if me new collie x does as well as her on the rabbits............she doesnt miss much at all.........

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can i put my 2bobs worth in please you all or most of you are saying its a collie thing not running at a rabbit that is 40yrds down a hedge side standing only 2ft from going in the hedge. to me its the lads lamping thats are at fault not the dog feck me have any of you got any field craft, your going to sicken any dog no mater what breed slipping it on things it has no chance of getting near never mind getting a bend into. you lamp into the field from the hedge side not walk the field lamping the hedge..


its field craft you going to catch the rabbits not just to look at them..atb


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I had a collie cross that used to pick its rabbits. Didn't bother me cos it was shit hot on hares. Never picked its chases with them, if it saw a hare 1/2 mile away it would go for it lol. I personally think it got bored of rabbits, probably got that vibe from me lol :D it also stalked rabbits on the lamp, never took one from the seat. Think it enjoyed the chase too much, sporting c**t he was lol.

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  On 19/01/2013 at 12:09, jack68 said:

can i put my 2bobs worth in please you all or most of you are saying its a collie thing not running at a rabbit that is 40yrds down a hedge side standing only 2ft from going in the hedge. to me its the lads lamping thats are at fault not the dog feck me have any of you got any field craft, your going to sicken any dog no mater what breed slipping it on things it has no chance of getting near never mind getting a bend into. you lamp into the field from the hedge side not walk the field lamping the hedge..


its field craft you going to catch the rabbits not just to look at them..atb



Well said that man

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  On 19/01/2013 at 12:17, jamesmc said:

its not just a collie thing :hmm: ........i have a collie cross here that runs flat out at what ever quarry i tell it to.....yet i have seen other crosses stand and look and pick there runs :thumbs:


Think it's a dog thing mate, some do some dont. Never had one not chase a hare though. Maybe they know hares don't go down burries, maybe they love them more, maybe dogs are smarter than we give them credit for

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