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Takeing Pups On Farm Land For First Time ?

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Sometimes I think people worry too much about pups. Like if they chase then that's it they're f****d! They're not as fragile as a lot think, just get out there with them and let them investigate the world. they'll be the better for it. But no need to be lamping with them untill later in the year.

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At 5 months I wouldn't be lamping the dog I start lamping at 10 months old depending on the dog

you shouldn't have bought a pup if your that stupid.

i still wonder why i come on here

to all those experts from birth i rescued them from a bad home were there was stuck in a cage with four other pups witch starving to death other four had to be put down due to there condition

i thought i was doing a good thing what would you have done? all i was asking is for help like i helped these pups!! to those who have given me advice thank you


no expert mate im far from it

but wasnt you asking the other day about working your 5 month pups

you were to to wait

now your posting again about working your 5 month pup


rescued the pups ??? frying pan to the fire

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makes me piss iv seen posts on here where people have seen lads on streets and such and say how bad there dogs are like weight issues and just overal helth do you maybe thing they need a bit of help but frightend to ask incase they get mouth and be littled and im not saying its every one because some of you lads have given me good advice and thank you

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hi every one just wanted some advice im taking my pups on some farm land tonight was wondering with it been first time on that sort of land and them only ever seeing rabbit skin and not the real thing how i should aproatch it so should i try and slip them on the lamp or just let them run free and investigate there only 5 and half monnth old so im not to sure

mite seem a stupid question but im new cheers

do you know what dogs might be in them

yeah i no a guy who has had dogs 30 plus year says whippets but some were down line had bedlington bread into them with them been a bluey coulor

so could be beddy x whippet anyways well done for rescueing and bringing them on could have easilly ended up like the rest :thumbs:
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:shok: you shouldn't have bought a pup if your that stupid.

hes asking a question thats how to learn guess you must have known from the cradle being such an expert

maybe he should have done a bit of question asking and learning before getting the pups? fair enough you do a lot of learning once you get the pup but you should at least know the basics of rearing a pup before getting one.

Edited by Huwidge
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there is a topic going on with FUJI, he has two pups about 6 weeks younger than yours, introduce them to the countryside, RECALL,

START AT HOME, DOING A BASIC RECALL, GET A SOFT ball, or a couple of your sweaty socks, and throw it up the passage way, recall and reward, make the job fun to the young fellow, good walks in the countryside, ((( again recall, is very important, ((( forget about lamping at this time concentrate on education to the country side, make a great bond with your fellow, and you wont go wrong, a 5 month old pup is what it is ,

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Are they stock broken, trained, retrieve, recall etc? Need to get the basics sorted before you even think about lamping. i'd start them in the Autumn and spend the summer training and letting them grow up.

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keep on slip or dog will just learn 2 hunt on may be chuck ball down the beem and lamp a rabbit dummy for it recall as soon as lamp off if you get a good sitter u can get close 2 id slip on it iv dun this with my puppys just dont give it 2 meny runs 1 or 2 is planty

Edited by dpb82uk
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just took a look at your posts, and someone here has said to hold off already, but youve asked about supplements for muscle building, asking where u can get slips from, do yourself a favour and the dogs and forget hunting them. you say youve rescued them, so u barely know them, no bond , trust etc, so your recall will be out the window, retrieve wont be there, aslo you want to take TWO pups out on the lamp at 5 months, even when u do enter them, enter them alone.

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hi every one just wanted some advice im taking my pups on some farm land tonight was wondering with it been first time on that sort of land and them only ever seeing rabbit skin and not the real thing how i should aproatch it so should i try and slip them on the lamp or just let them run free and investigate there only 5 and half monnth old so im not to sure

mite seem a stupid question but im new cheers

do you know what dogs might be in them

yeah i no a guy who has had dogs 30 plus year says whippets but some were down line had bedlington bread into them with them been a bluey coulor

hang on, ask the guy you asked here, the guy with 30 yrs experience
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