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Soon It Will Be Too Late!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Brits abroad don't wander communities telling locals they cannot do what it is they have been doing for years in THEIR own country.   Muslim scum, capture, try, sentence and then deport afterwards n

this is good the more this happens the more it turns normal people against them. their own arrogance will be their undoing.

Both really but mostly the law enforcers and the people that vote them in for accepting it. Problem is its a drip, drip drip effect whereby loads of little things they do push the boundaries until th

We have them too Baw, bits of Pollockshields are no-go area for the cops, they run the place there. However, even weegie muzzahs are not daft enough to try and take a weegie's buckie off of them on a dark night....camera or no, that would be one chibbed muzzah!!

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Muslim area yet he walks around in nike air max and trackies.


Well...his sister did probably make them in a 2x2ft sweat shop wiping her arse with her bare hand!!

Edited by Blue Pocket Rocket
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I'm seeing a patten forming...... It's just you southern softies that would put up with them, no wonder you have them :laugh:


Remember this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Kriss_Donald burned alive for being white

See The BBC Where criticised for not reporting the above case , the whole Establishment lives in fear off upsetting these Parasites !
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their mindset is completely different to ours. the establishment should be more worried about pushing the native english too far rather than this alien death cult they have imported.

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I remember when I was about 14 I walked throu a park at hounslow and there was a Indian festival going on they was playing a weird game a mix between rugby and wrestling as I walked past the kids were spitting at me and throwing cans of come at me and the parents and grand parents were laughing All these pakis Indians afghanis and every other freaky brown c**t are slowly taking over there all polite on there own get a few together and they are dirty ignorant bullying b*****ds

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I remember when I was about 14 I walked throu a park at hounslow and there was a Indian festival going on they was playing a weird game a mix between rugby and wrestling as I walked past the kids were spitting at me and throwing cans of come at me and the parents and grand parents were laughing All these pakis Indians afghanis and every other freaky brown c**t are slowly taking over there all polite on there own get a few together and they are dirty ignorant bullying b*****ds

Now that is dirty........ :angel:
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if brits went and told them how to live in their country???? thats why were in this f*****g shit state...............because of OUR forefathers, trying to be the best and create an empire..........and now BECAUSE OF THEM, us and future generations have to deal with the shit left behind.......... :censored: why does every kunt hate the english.......... :hmm:

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if brits went and told them how to live in their country???? thats why were in this f*****g shit state...............because of OUR forefathers, trying to be the best and create an empire..........and now BECAUSE OF THEM, us and future generations have to deal with the shit left behind.......... :censored: why does every kunt hate the english.......... :hmm:


They don't mate we are just told they do!!!!


The ones that do are just Jealous :laugh:

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