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Do Red Deer Make "rubs"

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Today I hunted a property for the first time. It was a swap deal with a local farmer in which he got to plant soy beans on our land in exchange for hunting priveleges on his land. I chose my spot today to sit in the rain, sleet, snow mix by the good fresh rubs that I found on 2 saplings. I am hunting whitetails in the U.S. and haven't had the pleasure of hunting red deer...yet. (Did not see the buck responsible today, by the way, but intend to be back again in the morning.)


Do red stags rub their antlers on saplings to polish them and mark territory the way whitetails do?

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As the previous posters have already stated all male deer rub off and in some cases like reindeer where the females of the species also have antlers I suppose they to must fray off to clear the velvet. bit like having a itchy pimple on your arse that drives you beyond destraction i would have thought were you have got to have a good scratch, I have the same problem with piles as the turnup on me strides are worn through where they are constantly rubbing me boots with giving them a good rent.


Good Hunting

Cheers Stu

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