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Guest rattingmad

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Guest rattingmad

ive had a larsen set for a week with no success, anyway ive moved it, checked it a few hours later and had caught two maggies :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Guest Ditch_Shitter

:clapper: Result, mate! :good:


Now then; What have ye learned from this experiance? What was it the proved to be a seemingly duff location / situation and what proved the killer? Give us an idea of what, enviromentally, changed when ye shifted that traps position, please?



Incidentally; My one's been sitting out there, set and ready, for a couple of months or more now. Nothing. But then, nor do I have any maggies around my land now. Couple shot through a while ago. But I know they've been breeding a mile away. When their young come looking for a new territory to claim for their own? The trap'll still be there. Set and ready ;)

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Guest little_lloyd

Bet your chuffed to feck and back :clapper:


Last month it took me a night to catch two :thumbs: I had 22 in about 3 weeks then 8 in too days with another trap at my mates house. Only finnshed up with it on the shoot so brang it home set it in the garden only had one beacuse my brother let the magpie out :censored:


The escape was shot later that day while it was in the holly tree :tongue2::feck:

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Guest foxyforce1

Dont know if this will be any use to you guys, but ive caught a few magpies in rabbit cage traps over the last few months on one job, there just baited normally with carrot,think it might be the colour thats attracting them in,didnt seem to be alot of magies about the place but ive caught 13 over the past 4 weeks.



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Dont know if this will be any use to you guys, but ive caught a few magpies in rabbit cage traps over the last few months on one job, there just baited normally with carrot,think it might be the colour thats attracting them in,didnt seem to be alot of magies about the place but ive caught 13 over the past 4 weeks.





are you're cages shiney ? as in mirror like plates on them ? :hmm:


heard of mirrors being used instead of call birds

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