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Uk Firearms: Licence Applicants May Need Partners' Approval

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I don't know if that's a good thing or not, knowing how bitter, spiteful and malicious some ex partners can be when it comes to their former partners.. :hmm: Will it just apply to ex spouses, or every bird you've ever given one too more than once?

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Why should a past /current partner have any say at all? If you haven't be prosecuted in a British court then any accusations are meaningless surely. More bullshit legislation imo.


Maybe they should ask ya next door neighbour if your a nice chap as well? Perhaps the milkman's opinion should also be sought after?

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Why should a past /current partner have any say at all? If you haven't be prosecuted in a British court then any accusations are meaningless surely. More bullshit legislation imo.


Maybe they should ask ya next door neighbour if your a nice chap as well? Perhaps the milkman's opinion should also be sought after?


Why shouldn't they if you have a habit of kicking shit out of them.


I don't think any case can be built upon hearsay but if you are a prolific. Convicted wife beater. Then fair play

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I would have thought there's enough regs know, if you have any convictions for violence dos'nt that allready stop you getting your ticket ? Most offences even petty stuff can be a big problem when you go for renewall .All you need is an ex with a grudge and your in sh.t street ,how would you prove her wrong ? Dangerous ground .! convictions,reports to police at time of attack fair play no ticket. But years later out of spite no way.

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Why should a past /current partner have any say at all? If you haven't be prosecuted in a British court then any accusations are meaningless surely. More bullshit legislation imo.


Maybe they should ask ya next door neighbour if your a nice chap as well? Perhaps the milkman's opinion should also be sought after?


Why shouldn't they if you have a habit of kicking shit out of them.


I don't think any case can be built upon hearsay but if you are a prolific. Convicted wife beater. Then fair play


If you are a convicted wife beater then it'll be on your record! Why ask the consent of past/current partners? Unless we want to base an application on the say so of potentially biased people? It just opens the doors to spitefull wankers preventing grant. It's a stupid idea only being talked about to apease the anti gun lobby. It wont save a single life but WILL prevent some unfortunates from being granted a licence they are entitled to.

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Why should a past /current partner have any say at all? If you haven't be prosecuted in a British court then any accusations are meaningless surely. More bullshit legislation imo.


Maybe they should ask ya next door neighbour if your a nice chap as well? Perhaps the milkman's opinion should also be sought after?


Why shouldn't they if you have a habit of kicking shit out of them.


I don't think any case can be built upon hearsay but if you are a prolific. Convicted wife beater. Then fair play


If you are a convicted wife beater then it'll be on your record! Why ask the consent of past/current partners? Unless we want to base an application on the say so of potentially biased people? It just opens the doors to spitefull wankers preventing grant. It's a stupid idea only being talked about to apease the anti gun lobby. It wont save a single life but WILL prevent some unfortunates from being granted a licence they are entitled to.

I agree

If your violent, it doesn't matter who it is to your going to be on dodgy territory anyway. Involving partners and especially exs is pointless and a waste of police time

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Why should a past /current partner have any say at all? If you haven't be prosecuted in a British court then any accusations are meaningless surely. More bullshit legislation imo.


Maybe they should ask ya next door neighbour if your a nice chap as well? Perhaps the milkman's opinion should also be sought after?


Why shouldn't they if you have a habit of kicking shit out of them.


I don't think any case can be built upon hearsay but if you are a prolific. Convicted wife beater. Then fair play


If you are a convicted wife beater then it'll be on your record! Why ask the consent of past/current partners? Unless we want to base an application on the say so of potentially biased people? It just opens the doors to spitefull wankers preventing grant. It's a stupid idea only being talked about to apease the anti gun lobby. It wont save a single life but WILL prevent some unfortunates from being granted a licence they are entitled to.

Spot on mate, just another bright idea being dreamed up,to use the backdoor to place yet more constraints on public ownership of firearms,absolute bo--ocks that will do nothing to prevent criminals using firearms.
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When I had my SGC interview, the FEO asked my mrs if she was happy to have guns in the house. She said she had grown up in rural Ireland where there was always a shotgun by the back door, so it really didn't bother her. I thought it was a passing comment by the FEO, but now I wonder if it was all part of the process. He didn't ask her on my FAC interview though.

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just another way for the police to move the emphasis of responsibility from themselves. These people are employed to police the applications not listen to rumours or half truths, if you have been convicted of any criminal offence in a court of law then this should be held against you. nothing else, not here say, not rumous and deffinetly not opinions :thumbs:

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When I just had my interview the FEO asked if my wife would have access or know where the keys to the cabinet would be, of course she wouldn't as she isn't the FAC holder, so why on earth it would matter to the government if she wanted them or not is totally irrelevant.

And the MP's want a pay rise? Do they actually live on this planet?

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I hope they dont ask my wife, as she`s dead against me killing anything. If he asks her what she thinks to me shooting cute furry helpless little bunny wabbits then i`ll never get my license renewed.


As for asking ex partners? Are they on crack? Theres no way id want anyone talking to my cheating scumbag ex asking whether I should be allowed to have guns or not. Whats it got to do with her?

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Do you not think that's why they are bringing it in so they can refuse people.after last year when that dickhead killed his wife,daughter and mother in law next to me they are going to make it harder now.and why the police gave him his licence back after known he was a suicide case is beyond me the idiots.

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