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Kids First Deer

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In 2010 I decided my daughter, then 11 yrs old, was ready to handle the rifle under close supervision. I took her along to the hunting club several times in November and December in all kinds of weather but we just couldn't seem to be in the right place at the right time. We would sit in elevated shooting houses and view does and young bucks 500 yds off but nothing in range of my 30-30. For her first shot I wanted close range anyway. Finally in late January we were sitting in a box stand on a hill overlooking a greenfield of wheat when 4 whitetail does came out of the woods at about 110 yds. They all came down to the field to feed right where we wanted them. We watched them for a bit in hopes a buck might join them but the the light was starting to fade so we knew we were out of time. I cocked the gun and put it out the window for her then told her to take the largest doe. It was about a 70 yard shot and it was perfect. The doe went straight down where she stood. It was the last deer taken at the club that season on the next to last day of the season.


In January 2012 my oldest son, then 14, took his first deer at the club also in a green field. It was a fine shot and easy to find our prize in the tall weeds at the edge of the field. A week or so later my daughter took her second deer in the same field as my son's but this time a buck. Again she had the last deer at the club for the season. It's a big joke at the club now that if my daughter shoots a deer everyone might as well put their guns away because it's all over for the year.


I love watching my children have success in the field but I treasure the days that we don't see anything just as much. How blessed I am to have teenagers that want to spend hours with me in a shooting house. I have 2 more younger sons that I still look forward to seeing bag their first deer. I'll try to be sure to share those stories when the time comes.

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