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Lurchers That Dont Jump

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  On 17/01/2013 at 23:15, dytkos said:
  On 17/01/2013 at 21:24, J.DOG said:

Mine jump and IMO its needed especially the land I run all 3 of mine are trained to jump , I've 3 dogs and all jump anything but when mooching I will choose spots that arnt too dangerous to jump

Pics of 2 of my 3 dogs can never get a pic of my big dog jumping lol always blurry lol







Good pics , but second one looks like its a horse :laugh:

Cheers, D.


Cheers bud :laugh: it does look like horse but a top racing horse :laugh:

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My dogs jump no bother, and when on the chase will jump the obstacle, but depending on some fence situation/location I will choose to lift them over, a dog that won't jump full stop is a different ket

Most people who don't allow or teach their dogs to jump state that it's to reduce the chance of injury and yes they do have a point. However a non jumping dog can also be injured trying to go through

canny jump its as much use as a chocolate fireguard mate....

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  On 16/01/2013 at 20:57, kyle mckay said:

just curious to see if alot of people own a dog that wont jump, mines jumps perfectly fine obviously slips up now and then but just curious to see how many people lift ther dogs over fences and such i would never want to own a dog that pulls up at a fences?

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I hate dogs that jump with there paws extended out, does my head in. Much prefer them tucked under. Until I read this thread I never knew there were folk had dogs that wouldn't jump. Aye I've seen dogs refuse jumps in tricky situations but one that never jumps??? A working lurcher???

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  On 18/01/2013 at 08:55, baw said:

I hate dogs that jump with there paws extended out, does my head in. Much prefer them tucked under. Until I read this thread I nevf knew there were folk had dogs that wouldn't jump. Aye I've seen dogs refuse jumps in tricky situations but one that never jumps??? A working lurcher???


Had a mate who had a dog that wouldnt even jump small burns, remember being out one night and something came out the wood, trotted across the road and jumped a wee 3 strand fence into a field that was going to nowhere, dogs out and his just stood there and watched my bitch up its arse, never even tried to get in on the action, couldnt be doing with that right enough.

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  On 18/01/2013 at 08:55, baw said:

I hate dogs that jump with there paws extended out, does my head in. Much prefer them tucked under. Until I read this thread I never knew there were folk had dogs that wouldn't jump. Aye I've seen dogs refuse jumps in tricky situations but one that never jumps??? A working lurcher???


Whos got one of them like :hmm:


Theres bound to be flaws in every dog. Whether it be jumping, retrieving or marking.


Its the owner who has to put up with this and live with them. If people dont like it then dont invite them out. Easy.


Seems everybody on here has perfect dogs that are flawless.



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If your dog doesnt jump your going to miss a lot of stuff. Here in Ireland fields are littered with fences so dogs need to be jumping. Feck lifting a big heavy mutt over fences all day. But if its a really hard fence where the dog might hang itself ill lift it but on the run i would exPect it to go over

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  On 18/01/2013 at 11:26, Adam_Chuck said:

If your dog doesnt jump your going to miss a lot of stuff. Here in Ireland fields are littered with fences so dogs need to be jumping. Feck lifting a big heavy mutt over fences all day. But if its a really hard fence where the dog might hang itself ill lift it but on the run i would exPect it to go over

Would you expect the dog to go over a fence that you lefted it over because it could have got hung?????
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  On 18/01/2013 at 11:56, iceman001979 said:
  On 18/01/2013 at 11:26, Adam_Chuck said:

If your dog doesnt jump your going to miss a lot of stuff. Here in Ireland fields are littered with fences so dogs need to be jumping. Feck lifting a big heavy mutt over fences all day. But if its a really hard fence where the dog might hang itself ill lift it but on the run i would exPect it to go over

Would you expect the dog to go over a fence that you lefted it over because it could have got hung?????


I would, if it didn't attempt it I'd say its jacked :yes:

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  On 17/01/2013 at 23:32, nothernlite said:

is there any fences on the fens?

its agood point there may be not many wire stock fences but there be dykes at around 8 ta ten feet wide jumping the length of these and landing at the the tops is some jump. atb bunnys.
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Jesus 11 pages...what a debate on something that should just come natural to a dog with a bit of added training. If the dog can jump it it can jump it........if your out for a walk you dont walk straight up to the fence then say "Get over" you let them have 2/3 strides at it.....not rocket science. 9/10 times you know the lay of the land, you know the bad fences....which ones to avoid and so forth. BPR..calm down dear... :laugh: ...we know your whippet canny jump but thats under difficult circumstances......would you have taught her how to jump if she never broke her legs?

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Is it really that big a deal? My dogs NEED to jump so they jump. It's a lot less dangerous than running but they also need to do that. If someone is scared of having dogs that jump or don't want them to then so be it. They're happy, I'm happy, every f****r is happy!

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