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Lurchers That Dont Jump

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My dogs jump no bother, and when on the chase will jump the obstacle, but depending on some fence situation/location I will choose to lift them over, a dog that won't jump full stop is a different ket

Most people who don't allow or teach their dogs to jump state that it's to reduce the chance of injury and yes they do have a point. However a non jumping dog can also be injured trying to go through

canny jump its as much use as a chocolate fireguard mate....

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  On 16/01/2013 at 20:57, kyle mckay said:

just curious to see if alot of people own a dog that wont jump, mines jumps perfectly fine obviously slips up now and then but just curious to see how many people lift ther dogs over fences and such i would never want to own a dog that pulls up at a fences?


My dogs jump no bother, and when on the chase will jump the obstacle, but depending on some fence situation/location I will choose to lift them over, a dog that won't jump full stop is a different kettle all together :thumbs:

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Mine all jump ! But its not a bad thing if they don't as mine wouldn't of been hit by a car if he hadn't jumped out the field about a mile away ! It would be a pain in the ass if they don't ! I had one like it done my head in

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Mine? She jumps the stairgate, the veg patch fence and onto round bales if the Patterdale's on there, but she won't jump farm fences above 3 1/2 feet. Pain in the arse!

She missed a hare in an accidental chase the other day because she took the long way round :unsure:

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my last dog would jump anything anywhere,any height.....but i seen some of the worst injuries happen to this dog,that i have ever seen....with barbed wire etc......always getting stitched up,stapled up,scars all over the f*ckin thing....good dog though ;)

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