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Give A Dog A Pill? Mark11.

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Whippet 99 there's a big difference between prescription medication and seaweed powder lol. Best get your script through a vet if you don't know what your doing


Hutch, I'm glad you also also feel that most of the supplements are completely unnecessary.

i was waiting for that one lol

if you could get the above for free wouldnt you be interested what you could use for what.....................................there was me thinking you were the professor ..............


I think sandy is being quite wise not giving advice on prescription medication over the internet. I'm sure he's fully aware of what use they are.

its all antibiotics of some sort and i inject me own dogs as do the rest of the 90% on here was just after a little help............

and your right im sure sandymere knows alot more than hes letting on .............

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Irish as you say "If we didn't care we wouldn't go out of our way to make sure we put in exactly what the dogs mechanism requires to be in top tune, so some post and ask questions on various supplementation." That's very true; I'm a great believer in asking questions and finding out what best for our dogs. But what I am concerned about is people who answer with a load of old bull, trying to blind us with pseudo science in an endeavor to line their own pockets or those who base their experience on webs sites that are either set up to sell these wonder supplements/foods or written by the loony fringe with their homeopathetic organic natural gibberish.


As to "Get out of the books and into the field sandy, keep story time to bed time or the countrymaids weekly" I was out there last night with the wind whipping in direct from the sea a field away. My dog ran well enough in spite of a complete lack of supplements although I admit to leaving before the snow came in. how many on here could say the same?

As the countrymans I've not written for a while but have been considering doing an article about Finn who ran last night. He has an interesting storey having suffered a wedge fracture to his spine as a pup, in spite of this after long complex rehab, he has made a half decent type with his average being 8 out 0f 10 on the lamb, not bad for a 3/8 bull cross. This was also achieved with a good diet, and rehab rather than a pot/packet of Dr feelgoods magic formula LOL.

Edited by sandymere
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stop running those lambs mate...............lol

yeah i get your way of thinking .........i went out and had a few runs last night with a bitch who i thought would never recover from an injury properly..................................took months and i couldnt get a prognosis ,.................i was at fault im sure i ran her with injury but didnt realise....................numpty

but with a long long rest and a lot of road work she has come good but in her later years im sure it will make an appearence....................

she had no super duper remedy just the poor mans therapy...................which has worked.....................

all the best sandymere you are i wealth of knowledge and no doubt your dogs are very lucky to have some one who knows..................cheers

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My point at hand sandy, no need to knock those who choose to add that "little bit extra" at the end of the day they, like you and i want the best they can for their animals.


Kudos to you and your dog for making a recovery and getting back out there. I tip my hat.

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