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Please All Be On The Alert

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Please, please, please be very vigilant with your dogs.


There has been a spate of dog, mainly Spaniel, thefts from kennels across the Hampshire/Sussex/Surrey area in the past couple of weeks. Sadly one kennel was broken into on Friday, and then again over night between Monday and Tuesday. Seven dogs were stolen from this one kennels. Have been asked to share the following message for those in the area. Keep safe.




Surrey/Sussex/Hants dog owners: The alert sent out by Milland News on Friday about three missing spaniels near Linchmere is now even more serious. The dogs were not just ‘missing’ as described by the police. They had been stolen from their kennel while the keeper was out feeding his pheasants. Last night the thieves returned and took another four dogs, and attempted to take two more. So a total of seven dogs have been stolen right on our doorstep. You will probably see more about this on BBC South Today and in the next Mid & Pet Observer as well as in Milland News but PLEASE ALL BE ON THE ALERT for these very determined thieves and tell the police immediately if you see anything suspicious. It is possible that the eldest of the three spaniels originally stolen might have been dumped as being too old to be of interest so please contact Elle Hubbard on 01428 741438 if you come across a lost black cocker spaniel (he is microchipped).


THIS GANG IS SERIOUS and if any of you have dogs in outside kennels, make absolutely sure they are safe.

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