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Helicoptor Crash In Vauxhall Central London

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@gnasher. If it landed up the old Kent rd all the local community would've help out , that's what their like this side of the river . What I mean is all the scrap metal would've gone double quick lol!

no shit sherlock........... seems as a genuine accident and we will see if it is mechanical or pilot error................in the near future.............

or the house of parliament done us a right good favour

i havent a clue ..................i know above the sea even with search and rescue they shouldnt fly less than a 1oo feet above sea level................they still do it but its very risky..................im just using logic that the chopper should of been flying at a higher zone............so first question would be why was the chopper there at that level and secondly was he in control of it until the point of impact,.........there could be evidence of emergency procedures before impact, but i dont know what it would be in the city, if they were ditching in the sea theres different procedures ,...involving turning the engines off etc.................no doubt time will tell..........


From the conversation i had this morning the normal height should of been around 1000 feet ( or metres is it i dont know :icon_redface: )for the normal route across London .......but due to the fog the pilot would of been redirected and told to go lower and be guided by visual landmarks as its too low for radar :blink: ...............then obviously because of how low and thick the fog was and how high the crane was he probably wouldnt of seen the warning light on top of the crane which by law it would have to have..........im only going on what my son in law said,he might be talking bollocks for all i know but he seems to know his shit.......he reckons the crunch will be whether the contractor had put a warning light up on top of the crane.

Edited by gnasher16
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f****n helicopters ! I hate the fekin things


This has been a bad one. The guy would be ordered to stay below a certain hight on his way to Battersea, but would have to decide to go up into the low cloudbase or risk low flying and being able to see.

That crane was some hight as well, and doubtfull that it would be illuminated.

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