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Ferret Nailing All The Rabbits

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Why use him? Well otherwise hes left in the run and not worked! Stupid question! I like all my ferrets to work! Plus its my hob i use for breeding so I like my lines to be workers not untested ferrets

its not a problem to me pal, that the way expect all my ferrets to work, if the bunnys aint fast enuff to bolt, ill dig em out     ps if ye dont want ye hob, im sure somebody will take him

i have a large hob that just kills and will wait to be dug and once you get the rabbit he just carries on working, but i dont take him out as much past 2 seasons just because the land iv been working

  On 15/01/2013 at 23:39, bigbailey said:

This year I have decided to use less of my jills and more of my of my big hob, problem is he is nailing all the rabbits before they can bolt. Sick of digging lol had to dig down last week to a stop end, it was like pulling rabbits out of a hat he had that many trapped. Anyone else have this problem with larger hobs?

If your sick of digging to him, i think i have the answer. Dont use him, give him to someone who will.
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Been out with my hob and three Jill's today on some big warrens, the Jill's were given the run around but the hob nailed two in a stop end and was latched on to the side of another as it tried to force its way out of a small bolt hole.

I know if I put the hob in and there's a rabbit home he will find it but he is one for grabbing hold and killing if he can but not bolting.

I'm not the quietest ferreter though so its probably my own fault for making them not want to bolt.

The mk3 doesn't help,I'm sure the bleeping puts the rabbits off bolting as well.

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  On 16/01/2013 at 19:21, huntingladjohn said:

i have a large hob that just kills and will wait to be dug and once you get the rabbit he just carries on working, but i dont take him out as much past 2 seasons just because the land iv been working is really rocky and very hard to dig,

Ordinarily my hob is the steadiest ferret in my court but if I dig to him and pull him out on a live rabbit he will nail me if I try to take him off it, if its dead he doesn't care. Once off it though he's keen to carry on if there's more left to get.

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We got a couple of new permissions big sandy warrens and the tubes looked like fox dens or jills where getting dragged about on rabbits so we got a couple of hobs and once they latch on to the rabbits they dont get dragged about but its a spade job

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Guest norseman

my hob was starting to kill in every time i put him to ground, but i just try to keep him away from big banks ect, and work him on the hedgerows. the digs dont seem to be as deep. i'll probably be proved wrong one of these days :icon_redface:

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  On 16/01/2013 at 19:14, slips said:
  On 16/01/2013 at 17:25, reddawn said:
  On 16/01/2013 at 17:17, slips said:
  On 16/01/2013 at 10:24, bigbailey said:

Why use him? Well otherwise hes left in the run and not worked! Stupid question! I like all my ferrets to work! Plus its my hob i use for breeding so I like my lines to be workers not untested ferrets!

well thats your choice plenty off dog ferrets that work like jills all day with not go out having to keep diggin to em im sorry to say not my choice to work. only add em 35 years so still learning by the looks of it happy diggin



if ye been at 35 years then surely ye know tha not all jills or dogs(hobs) are the same pal, all workers bolt bunnys tho, what seperates you an i, is you are willing to leave bunnys in burrows, wel im sorry, but thats just not good enuff for me, magine telling a farmer you have just cleared a warren, an minutes later a bunnys pops out haha, i know a farmer that geed me permission wheni asked for it, just because the same thing happend, somelads swore they had emtied a place an low an behold as they were packing kit up into car at end of day, the warren in view had bunnys hopping out it lol

i hunt for my own pleasure and do as i please im a fan of only take what i need and let overs live for the next time out not like number merchants done that ole game when i was at shcool earning money selling rabbits these days i go wear i please with pugs and dogs and a dozon nets. done all that look how good i am at puggin with the number game ..like collectin mushrooms always leave some for next season and reddawn if they need clearin the .22 duz that if need be enjoy life and dont be so tense in your sport good hunting


sorry pal, but ye talking shite, look throo my posts an show me one that implies, look at me im a number merchant..... haha

i keep myself to myself, dont even talk about the bags, wether they are big or small, they are mine an ill deal with them, i undertsand what your saying about leting some live to breed, an yes that makes sense, but sometimes, some burys need emptying, even if its just 2 bunnys.... if im asked to do a job, ill do it best i can an i expect the same from all my working animals, my ferrets will bolt bunnys, an if i dont want to dig they will coem off the bunny after a wee while if they dont hear me digging, diffrence is like i said earlier, if i want that stubborn bunny out, for what ever reason, might be to get a big bag, or just to keep some land owner happy, then my ferrets will stay until i get there an finish the job, no tension here pal. just saying how i see it :thumbs:

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Think there's a definate difference in how the lads up north want there animals to be compared to a lot of the lads in the south. Over the years on being on this forum, i have noticed that there seems to be a lot deeper warrens the southern lads are ferreting than us lads in the north, needing a different approach.

I've had to change my practices over the last few years due to terrain. I can handle a dig better than most, and want a warren clear, but now i will use smaller animals than i used too.

One thing that i have not changed my mind on, is having 100 percent commitment from a ferret, bolt or die. some rabbits will test the best.

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Edited by tjones3862
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  On 16/01/2013 at 21:52, Brimmer said:

Just get one of these little white hobs over your jill red, they stick till the end, but due to size you sometimes stand a chance of movement on the deepies. Only downside is you sometimes dig twice. Nothings perfect!


i dont mind havin to dig mate if they move they move thats just life, some times the hobs drag a bunny away an ye have to dig twice, like ye say nowts perfect its not robots we using :D

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Allthough it is funny to watch them ride the bolters out, they seem to do it every other time i take them out, i have seen them go ten yards or so above ground swinging on a rabbit refusing to let go whilst just bolting to the dogs, they are just short of stopping them on top by themselves!

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  On 16/01/2013 at 22:02, Brimmer said:

Allthough it is funny to watch them ride the bolters out, they seem to do it every other time i take them out, i have seen them go ten yards or so above ground swinging on a rabbit refusing to let go whilst just bolting to the dogs, they are just short of stopping them on top by themselves!


1st time i met a guy we went ferreting, an he had a jill, no smaller than mine but thinner, anyways we were bolting to the dogs an doing a big warren in middle of a big field, was perfect for pups if im honest, so we had a few bolters an my 3/4 grey 1/4 collie had a few an the guys young lurcher had a few, an 1 bolts out a hole right on the outskirts of the warren, my colliegrey sprints over hits the bunny with everything he got, stood up an started trotting back an relised he had a ferret and a bunny in his gob, he spat it out an walked away from us, i think he thought he was gonna get scolded haha, we got the wee jill an all her belly had swole up, i thought she was a goner, we took her back to mine, put her in a spare hutch in a quiet spot an left her there for the nite, as the guy was staying to lamp that night an ferret next moring, come home from lampin that nght an the wee jill had had a drink an a nibble, she survied in end, still alive today, she is an old grey poley now, an cant handle a full day, must be 8 atleast, i was out with her an the guy again last week, but she slept most the day in her box...

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