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Hi All

Im going on my Holls in my Touring Caravan soon for a fortnight.

I normally Take my Beddie but last time i took her she barked when left alone.

When I say left alone I dont mean for all day or even 30 mins.

I mean while We walk round the site with the kids on there bikes (And Im not talking hot days here as im no Cruel Lad).

The trouble is The dog had to be with us 100% if we all went for a shower at the same time ie Missus took one kid and I took the other she barked and we had hassle when we returned.

Do them Collars Work??

Trouble is the Kennels want £150 for the fortnight inwhich i dont mind the cost, but its pi**ing me off that i may have to pay that if theres nothing i cant do.


Im thinking of buying one of them collars do they work??

The dog dosent bark at home.

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If youre not even gone for half an hour then wheres the problem? Surely the people around can handle abit of barking coming from inside a caravan for less than 30 mins?


My neighbours dog barks all day long if theres no one in the house, and she wont stop until someone gets in lol. It dont bother me though I couldnt give a shit about dogs barking if I'm honest.


Never heard of these collars youer talking about? I take it they somehow stop a dog from barking??? How does that work (or meant to work) then?

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If youre not even gone for half an hour then wheres the problem?


Your having a laugh, he'd be off the site by the end of the day :yes:


I love dogs but the last thing I want to hear on holiday is a dog barking. Everything in moderation :D Our dogs come with us in the caravan and I have a bark inhibitor, yes they do work, have a look on the dogtra website, very reasonable, don't get the citrus collars, get electric. Its all about perception, electric is quick where as the citrus is sprayed intoi the dogs primary organ (nose) and stings....which is worse?

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The bleedin' seagulls make more a racket than the dog will for 15 - 20 minutes, I dont see why people would get so wound up over abit of barking for a short while. Still you do get some funny b*stards around who'll find anything to moan about so maybe you should buy one of them yokes Simoman has bought, a bark inhibitor.

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Guest oldskool
If youre not even gone for half an hour then wheres the problem?


Your having a laugh, he'd be off the site by the end of the day :yes:


I love dogs but the last thing I want to hear on holiday is a dog barking. Everything in moderation :D Our dogs come with us in the caravan and I have a bark inhibitor, yes they do work, have a look on the dogtra website, very reasonable, don't get the citrus collars, get electric. Its all about perception, electric is quick where as the citrus is sprayed intoi the dogs primary organ (nose) and stings....which is worse?





your dead right, he would be off the site



i went camping with 2 lurchers last year in donegal... the site i went to was a nice spot but they made it clear at the start that all dogs must be kept quiet... my pair took off fighting and screaming at 3 in the mornin... it only lasted less than a minute and the next day i was asked to leave :( .... i found that most campsites here have the same policy... and rightly so

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If he is that bad and you want to enjoy your holiday then kennel him for the two weeks.


Them collars work, but not on all dogs, so do you take the chance and bring him and hope the collare works, or kennel him knowing you will enjoy your family holiday, after all he is only a dog, remember that.

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Guest ceredigion bull cross
get yourself a canicalm anti bark collar did the trick on my bullx and a few other lads i know it worked for them as well



this is what you want , i've got one and it works , :yes::yes::yes:

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... it only lasted less than a minute and the next day i was asked to leave :( .... i found that most campsites here have the same policy... and rightly so


I think its a bit harsh you were asked to leave after less than a minute of barking.


I can understand none stop barking for ages, but getting booted off a site for muffled barking from inside a caravan and less than a minutes barking on a camp site is OTT if you ask me.


Still best thing to do is to buy one of these collars, sounds like its your only choice if you want to take the dog with you unfortunately.

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