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Mentor For Centrefire In Hertfordshire Desperatly Needed !

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Hey Everyone,


I was granted my FAC last year, i have many years experiance with air rifles and my FEO was 50/50 on granting me a centrefire due to lack of experiance with live rounds. However in the end i was granted my Rimfire and Centrefire rifles. However...


I have a condition that i need to get out a few times with someone more experianced who would then be willing to write a letter for my FEO just to confirm that i am safety concious and reasonable shot.


I would be extremely grateful if anyone experianced in the local area would come out for a few shoots with me, i have several good quality permissions with plenty of rabbits, foxes and other game where we can shoot.


I will even be willing to pay any travel costs you incurr if you are coming over to me.


FEO wasnt saying it had to be a lot of times out together, just a few times so you can confirm in not totally unsafe or stupid. I dont think i am but i guess its his job to question these things


SO... if anyone out there would be so kind as to help me out, i would be very grateful


all the best



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