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Access To Child

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i have a 4 year old daughter ive seen her once in last 2 years,i have no criminal record or any history of violence etc,i work and earn enough not to qualify for legal aid yet with csa payments included i cant afford legal help, you are only hearing my side but there is no jusstfication for me not to see my daughter,i am thinking about representing myself in court if any body has had a similar experiace and can or any good advice 'i would be glad to hear it thank you.

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Mre and more people are representing themselves in court for similar reasons as you. Legal aid being cut,etc. Also costs are very rarely awarded in family matters.

Why haven't you seen your daughter? Nowadays cases tend to be settled on a a joint custody basis with a residence order for one of the guardians.

Access to the child shouldn't and cannot be denied on the basis that you're not paying maintenence.

I Have been through the mill with the courts and the CSA (Which is the worst gov't dept ever concieved).

Whilst I'm not a fan of lawyers, they are, if you want to to get a result by far the best option.They know the system, are emotionally detached and can see things from a different angle than the client.

I had a barrister for my final hearing. He had only recieved the documents that morning. and he tore the case wide open for me. Best £600 I ever spent.

Never stop seeing your child no matter how hard it maybe with the other party. Its not the childs fault that you aren't together. The denial of access is very rarely given by a court but access rights are often enforceable

Seek professional advice. You'll be thankful later.

Good Luck


Sympathetic ning

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i brought me eldest ladsn mother to court for guardianship and access of my son.Cost me 600 pound but id of paid any money to get what i wanted and i did get it.I have him 7 days a week now and he hunts and digs with me which gives me a lot of pride.Fight for your child pal at whatever it takes and i hope it works out .ATB Scent

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Why have you only seen your child once in 2 years?Unless theres underlying factors then you have rights to see your child,a trip to the solicitors will get a dialogue going between you and your ex's solicitor and usually 2 solicitors will get some kind of accsess sorted.

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really feel for you mate. it must be really hard. it would kill me not to see my daughter.


why won't the mother let you see her. have you tried to sit down with a third party. after all it's in your childs interest to see there dad.


if you get a chance DONT FORK IT UP. if she's a kunt thats all the ammo she needs.



:icon_redface: :icon_redface: :icon_redface: just relised i sound like jeremy kyle

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Can you apply for access in a contact centre ? I agree it isn't fair that most cases go to the Mum, but you can help yourself by stacking the odds your way. If the court see you are making multiple efforts to sort things, you may get further. Fingers crossed - horrible situation to be in.

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go see a solicitor theyll try mediation 1st [bANNED TEXT] court where u both go along to the solicitors and everything is written down if you can reach an agreement there itll save you the cost of it going to court the only down side is if your ex desides she dont want you seeing her she can jus stop it like that the up shot is when it goes to court after it plays in your favour then. good luck

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  On 14/01/2013 at 11:37, downsview said:

i have a 4 year old daughter ive seen her once in last 2 years,i have no criminal record or any history of violence etc,i work and earn enough not to qualify for legal aid yet with csa payments included i cant afford legal help, you are only hearing my side but there is no jusstfication for me not to see my daughter,i am thinking about representing myself in court if any body has had a similar experiace and can or any good advice 'i would be glad to hear it thank you.

Go for joint custordy :thumbs:
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Are you on the birth certificate has the childs father?


If you are then go to social services and explain the situation, I know people don't like involving them but they do have there uses, it will probably be supervised access at first but at least its access.


Good luck anyway. :victory:

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mate i spent thousands on solicitors/court costs etc

it did me no good what so ever, mine just kept moving house

then the process had to start all over again

you get in court mate and say your bit, you might be surprised at the outcome

a mate of mine's misses just had him back in court for more maintainence

it back fired on her his maintainence was cut and he gets to see his kids more and has them every other xmas

you dont know till you try it cant be any worse

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