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Just a few question I'm hoping some of you can help me and my brother with here.


How do you suggest our mate takes care of his Patterdale bitch whilst she is pregnant? This is the first time she's been pregnant, so I'm just abit nervous about this if I'm honest. The last thing I would want to see is it all goes t!ts up because he's made a few fatal errors.


He says not to worry and that she's alright and he knows what to do, but I thought I'd ask you's lot here who have been an excellent help to me so far with the questions I've asked not so long back.


So heres a few Q's I need some A's for -


Should he bring her in out of the kennels and into the house away from the other dogs whilst she's pregnant?

Should he up her feeding?

When the Pups are born how often should he check on them and where do you think would be best to keep them?

Is there any sort of supplements anyone can advise to get to add to the mothers diet whilst she's pregnant and whilst she's lactating?

Do the pups take much caring for once they're born, or will the bitches instincts kick in and sort them out herself?


Thanks for your time.

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makes for interesting reading


what do you mean buy this


"The last thing I would want to see is it all goes t!ts up because he's made a few fatal errors."


and another thing why are you


so I'm just abit nervous about this if I'm honest.


as this is your mates dog is it not

Edited by waggi
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Well I dont want the pups dying like.


I'm in line to have one of these pups and I want to know whats best for a potential dog of mine. This is the first litter this bitch is having and I'm not completley convinced he knows as much as he's letting on when it comes to caring for a bitch in this state.


Any advice?

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Sounds like a fair enough question to me if he does'nt have any experiance with whelping.Firstly the bitch should be fine outside as long as she's got a kennel to her self,not sharing with other dogs,and its warm,dry and draught free,which it should be anyway.She will need more feed,prob not for the first 3 weeks but then increase it steadily as she starts showing and feed a couple of meals a day so she's not over faced cos dont forget she's got a belly full of pups too.Keep an eye on her while she's whelping but once your sure she's had last one leave her too it if they're all feeding contently,you should'nt need to do much for next 3wks other than look after bitch n keep things clean.once they start weaning then you'll have your hands full.Dont forget to worm them regularly.

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Invest in a little paperback book called The Book of the Bitch: it'll tell you everything you could possibly want to know about the whole process and caring for new pups as well. You should be able to get it from any pet type superstore, and most likely online as well.


There you go:


Visit My Websitehttp://www.amazon.co.uk/Book-Bitch-J-M-Evans/dp/1860540236

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Leave the lad alone. If he's never had to care for a pregnant bitch before i don't see the harm in asking a few simple questions. :blink: He's probably a little nervous at the thought. :rolleyes:

I personally don't over feed my bitches till the last couple of weeks before whelping.

You'll be fine mate , just keep your eye on her when she's due. I always stay with my bitches just incase any complications arise. Touch wood, never had none. :thumbs-up:

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Cheers people, I appreciate the time you've taken out for me here.


I seen the Bitch recently and she is looking well and has stacked on quite abit of timber, it seems my pal is looking after her correctly but it's when the pups come that I have more concerns and how he looks after them.


He says it's all under control, he does have experience with dogs, but I thought I'd ask so when I go and see what he's upto I can put him right on a few things if need be. So thanks for the help to those that offered it :signthankspin: . I'll let you know how we get on.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest nfp20

only stupid question is one not asked :clapper:


If you can get your mate to see their vet to make sure the dogs fit and healthy. There are a few good books that you can get off the internet via amazon:


Book of the Bitch is probably one of the easiest ones - by J M Evans & Kay White (has pictures)




I've got a few others that are easy read in my library including:


Breeding a Litter - Beth J Finder Harris

Complete book of Dog Breeding - Dan Rice

Successful Dog Breeding - Chris Walkowicz & Bonnie Wilcox

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