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well the mrs wants to hunt

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hi guys,


well as the title says, my lass wanted to come out this evening to try out my new hornet. so picture this, once she told me she wanted to come i instucted her on what to do with the lamp, she said she understood,we both got dressed into our warm gear, i then explained again what to do, she said she understood, i got my rifle out, explained again lol, by this time she was annoyed so i figured she must have got it, we went out to my perm..............................and then it was like blackpool iluminations, lamp going back and forth whilst she was giggling 'wow look there goes another one!!!' and asking 'why havent you fired?' hahahah the rabbits were so confused it was like the aliens had come to take them away.


needless to say she didnt understand and wont be going again lol, took me longer to get dressed then it did to go out and back lol


oh well eh, anyone else got similar stories?




you should be so lucky..dont you remember beeming rund like a looney first time out.. she was havin fun too by the sound of it so maybe give her a couple three chances and teach her...rekindle the fun and the likes.

an old mates missis was a god send ferriting, but only after a few hairy hair pulling tries lol.


tis easy when you know what to do, and shit! dunt half tax the patients when they dont lol.(unless yu have fun.. :yes: )

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Weekend.rifle, you are one lucky guy.


My Missus hates my guns, but I'm working on it...slowly.


Had a couple of wins this week -


first one was a pesky squirrel that keeps robbing my bird feeders. While I was out she called me to 'come home and shoot the squirrels because they keep stealing all the peanuts!' I was over the moon!

What I didn't tell her was that I shot two of them last week and was leaving the others to breed some sport for next year. I'm pretending to be compassionate now so I don't have to shoot them yet! Lol


Win two was a new scope. Okay it's half a win really. I came home with a new scope and she spotted the box. Doh. My bad. Should have hidden it.

Anyway, she asked if I bought a new scope. My feeble reply? "I swapped it for my old one." Well I did - kind of. It was a part exchange! Lol

After which she asked if she could have a look, so I gave her the rifle and let her shoulder it while she aimed down the scope. Now that not might sound like much, but that is a massive step forwards for me! Oh and she was in her underwear at the time! Oh yeah!!!





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Lol my partner didn't want guns, knives or dead "things" in the house...how things change lol

Iv moved from outdoors to the kitchen, with her buying me hunters cook book, that SHE will be using ? Hahaha

She's bought me a gun, camo from Xmas the lot lol now her son of 11 has an ultra hahaha.."I don't want guns in the house"

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Mines an odd one really. Shes supports me with everything and doesnt stop me doing anything except dont shoot bambi(thats any deer species)

Fortunately she has been bought up around clay shooting which has soffened her a bit, she even has her own SGC. Occasionally she will have ago with my 20bore mossberg on clays. Shes also a fantastic shot with a rifle !

How ever.......Shooting anything living, while she doesnt stop me she makes it clear she doesnt like it esp as shes a veggie. I can take dead stuff home but i have to leave it in the shed and do my butchering in there !

The other gripe is she doesnt understand why i have more than 1 of anything (guns,rifles or knives)And asks "do you really need that?" Am always honest though and say no i dont need but I work hard and I would like which she is usally okay with even if she doesnt understand. But would never come and see anything dead or be killed.

She isnt scared of firarms at all and can strip most shotguns. And now wants me to take her out on night with the lamp and show her all the wild life that i get to see when lamping but without a rifle !

So compramise is good, i recognise its half way and far better than her being 100% against it all !

Am going to try and get her onto some HFT later this year !





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By reading this it seems like I have the wife everyone dreams about:-)

She has been shooting with me and even shot a few rabbits and is a good shot. She never minded when I said I wanted a FAC and when I told her how much I spent on everything her reply was "as long as the bills are paid then your money is your money" she lets me go out shooting at all times and when I've got bits of rabbit over the kitchen she never moans as she knows I'll clean it up.

She also looks amazing in her undies, with or without my gun in her hand, lol.

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By reading this it seems like I have the wife everyone dreams about:-)

She has been shooting with me and even shot a few rabbits and is a good shot. She never minded when I said I wanted a FAC and when I told her how much I spent on everything her reply was "as long as the bills are paid then your money is your money" she lets me go out shooting at all times and when I've got bits of rabbit over the kitchen she never moans as she knows I'll clean it up.

She also looks amazing in her undies, with or without my gun in her hand, lol.


Get a Picture up then !!! :laugh::tongue2::laugh:

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took my wee sister out shooting some class at a farm i shot slot of crows at.


whilst we were there 2 flew past and i got the 2 with 1 shot she said Y DID YOU DO THAT GRRRRRR


so anyway wee preceded to shot some class after a few shots whilst i was pulling the trap back i jumped as i heard BANG BANG BANG

FROM MY BERETTA 302 as she decided to take a go at a few crows go by AND SHE WAS THE ONE THAT WAS ANGRY I SHOT THEM


weeeeeee fecker

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