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Any one ever lost the ambition for shooting

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Just the end of the shooting year for me was meant too have the last day of a syndacte shoot iam in and for the past 4 months I've had niggling feeling that I don't care about the gun any more or the things that I shoot and every shoot u usually will beat one shoot one but I've found my self less caring about standing and more concentrating on my dogs for the last couple of years I've always had my ferreting on a Sunday too pass the time but this year I've not had any ferrets too pass my time but coming too the thing iam going too give up my guns and get back into my ferreting any one ever lose interest in shooting

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If things get a bit samey then have a change or have a rest, the beauty of guns is they don't eat nothing or need walking so it don't matter if you put them away for a while

I am the only one who finds that juuuusssstttttt a little bit creepy? !!!

I thought about taking up shooting on loads of occasions...........then he goes out with the dogs and I seem to lose the urge.

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My only real shooting is pigeons and they've been sparse for me this year, but I'm at my happiest just mooching with the dog to be honest.

I've just come back from a couple of hours with him and the gun and only fired one shot but would still have enjoyed it without the gun, In fact just lately I've had a great time with him and a catapult after squirrels in a local wood that I can't shoot.

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One of two things with the gun , either your that good that it's too easy or your that bad that you cannot hit anything . If you were that good you'd be picked for the Olympics soooo ...


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Going through it myself at the minute, not been out stalking in six months and not missing it either, club membership due this month too.To be honest lately i have had as much enjoyment out of knocking over a rat or pigeon with a catty, just got back into ferreting and enjoyed a couple of trips out, shootings very much on the backburner.

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shootings only good for the animals lurchers cant catch............ :D

luchers only good for those who can't shoot :laugh: :laugh: :thumbs:

but i shoot with the lurchers :whistling:

I shoot with a gun. :whistling::D


Tryed it loads of times couldn't really get into it......except squirrels I do like shooting them.

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One of two things with the gun , either your that good that it's too easy or your that bad that you cannot hit anything . If you were that good you'd be picked for the Olympics soooo ...


Not aimed at any one person individually.

i don't do too bad mate can some times pull of some excellent shots then some bad days very avg shot nothing too boast about its just always the same these days even when the birds coming over just feels like trying too shoot clays these days
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