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Should dogs have a yearly booster????

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Hi all I am new to the site and was just wondering on your views on this topic I have just recently bought a new pup witch is a 1st x beddy greyhound and took it to the vets to have its last jab as I was just about to leave the vets she said i will see you next year for its booster the shock on her face when I said its ok she won't need one was a picture I have got other dogs and had dogs all my life and I have never went for boosters is this wrong in doing so because I think it's a waste of time and money I don't go to the docs for a yearly booster so should my dogs go to the vets or not what do you's think on this cheers Richie ?

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I always do the first course, then 2 boosters after - mine come on holiday with me, so no kennel time needed.


There is no evidence to show that more than 2 boosters does anything - they are immune, they can't get "more immune" but seeing as the drug companies who make the vaccines also do the evidence collecting..... it's no surprise they don't say anything

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Only if i wanted to kennel them to go on hols... Had parvo here and the older dogs (most of which havent had boosters for years) werent affected... Oldest bitch (8yrs at the time) was sick for half a day. Had several pups and lost a few of them :(

Pretty sure we brought the parvo home from a show.

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I think it's personal preference.


I know a few lads who never have and there dogs have been fine.


But for a £8 jab is it worth the risk?

If that was the price then there would be no questions asked about a booster.

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I have mine done every year for two reasons 1. they need to be up to date for kennals if we go away 2. I insure my dogs and if you read the small print they will dump on you if the vacs are not up to date. The facts are the Jabs are made mostely in America and the manufactures recommend every five years to be on the safe side, someone put all the proper data on here about two years ago basically vets in this country are bending us over.

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You can get a blood test done to show if they are immune - costs less than the booster, and when I asked the insurance company if they would treat my dogs as " vaccinated" if I could prove they were immune by blood test, they agreed. Not saying all companies would, and I am careful to keep their letter saying so in case of argument.


I agree about the vets using it as a money maker though.

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My mate lost his stafford that wasnt jabbed to parvo after a visit to the kennels. I work with a vet who told me that she wouldnt bother after the dog was 6 or so. I rat and put the dogs in kennels occasionally so wont be taking the risk.

I know of many dogs,fully jabbed up,died through parvo and distemper.
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