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I was approached by a film maker.This lady makes some films of stuff the general public wouldnt normally see.so shes asked could she follow me about on a few goat hunting trips and try ''GRASP'' a little of what i do on film.So I met up with her and expressed my concerns as to how the public/antis/animal lovers would percieve the culling of a herd of ferral goats.I explained that in some instances the goats would need to be finished off manually as I have to shoot them on the run at times.It could be a little gorey and not to others taste.I explained to her IF I went through with her project my face,vehicle registration and location of where I live and hunt would not be revealed.What do you lot reckon,am I better off just continuing as I am and let no other mortal know how and what I get up to or would it be benefitial to let others see how pests need to be culled.I want first and foremost the say on what she shows and how its put across.I also want to see the finished product before its approved by me.If you were in my shoes would you agree to it or tell her nope.....aint happening.What other problems could you foresee if I did agree to do it.Im leaning to not doing it I think.I prefer being unnoticed and free to come and go as I please without a lady with a video camera following me about. I await your opinions and wellcome them.

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if they are dead set on filming a goat cull, id say go for it. better you, than some numpty rolling around the hills like fecking rambo

I'd avoid it like the plague mate, what good will come from it?

To guarantee anything you will want a contract writting up! But yeah, I'd be inclined to do it, but i'd also be very concious of what I am doing.

I would be just as concerned as to how they portray you as I would about them showing anything gory. At least with the gore they will have to censor it if its too much. The media are very good at twisting things you say to make what ever point they want and even if they cover face/number plates they could still selectively edit stuff to make you look bad

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Depends on the bucks £ £ £ Or in your case € € €


Seriously though it's a tuff one,,, have you seen anything else she has done,,,,if you do do it, you want something in righting about you getting the final say

Edited by TOMO
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That's twice I've appeared in a movie clip. Granted it was a bit dark and off my I phone but you got the jist of it.... Lol

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i'd be inclined to leave well alone Jig.

allthough they may say you'll have say on the final edit, that may not be the case if a more damning portrayal of your hunting proves to be "better TV", in there eyes. if that was the case what would you be faced with, legal action and all the hassle that comes with it?


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simple answer is, if there is little or no benifit to yourself then theres no point in taking the risk, as once youve dont it theres no going back even if its shown in real time and not edited for an agender there will still be people out there that will see what they want to see :thumbs:

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am I better off just continuing as I am and let no other mortal know how and what I get up to


Ooops too late :D ...............

What do you get out of it ?......If its worth the hassle then as long as they aint giving out your name or showing your face wheres the problem......if you got time on your hands and shes a bit of a sort then why not.......then again if shes an old moose or your busy just say no thanks :thumbs:

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It certainly wouldn't be for me.


All depends on what might go on film and how that might get spun. Not necessarily spun by her, but by "others" who don't agree with it.


Particularly the part about shooting them on the run and finishing them off after, I can see letters into national and local rags by the usual suspects.


Hiding your face, reg etc, will also work against you.

Edited by JohnGalway
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THATS WHAT IM KINDA LEANING TO,NOT DOING IT............but the lady thats filming is spot on.shes taken a few kid goats from me over the last few years for eating,and she has a cracker of a daughter,...........24 yrs old and a hoooonneyy :laugh: .............but as I have kids of that age and younger I have no designs to be a dirty ould fukker.Ive draged dead goats by the dozen into her small holding and she never batted an eye,but where does it say others watching it wont.Im kind of aware I wont be doing this but I can be a bit impulsive at times and since my working career is in the shits at the moment,I have tons of time to do this stuff.I reckon after anhour of her trying to keep up with the herd she'll pack it in as a bad idea anyway :laugh: thanks for the input,its good to see others perspective on it too.

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hey john G whos that famous chef that living up your country,hes having a terrible time from hares jumping into his veg patches and devouring his produce.Tell him im available if you meet him,lol I'll sleep in the back of the van with the salukis for a week,should have a bit of sport for sure,lol

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