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Fecked Off

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And totally frustrated! :wallbash:


I've had the freaking Lurgie since Boxing Day; coughing up chunks, snot rolling down the back of my throat every time I put my head back or lay down to sleep.

Pressure in my ears that causes pain and has made me virtually stone deaf, other than a horrendous continuous screaching sound (like electrical feedback), even to the point of effecting my balance. Walking down to the quacks, to make an appointment (couldnt hear the phone) I'm sure people thought I'd had a few bottles of Jack Daniels two many :icon_redface:


So far, it's denied me the privalage of meeting a couple of regulars on here; prevented me from visiting my daughters, son's and grandaughter.

It's stopped me from going out to shoot at my permissions and worst of all, I've had to turn down a shoot this weekend in one of the prettiest parts of the Yorkshire Wolds!


To say I'm fecked off with this crap is a bit of an understatement :cray:


Signed: Misery Guts

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Tony my daughter has the same symptoms and went to the doctors yesterday and she was told that she was suffering with "Vertigo". Don't do the same thing as me and say "what has the fear of heights got to do with it", but vertigo is an illness, where as the fear of heights is "Acrophobia" there ending lesson one. She was given some tablets named "Prochlorperazine", go to the doctors with a bit of self diagnosis. Hope your better soon mate.

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Hi Roger,


Quack gave me Antibiotics, which helped the chest, but hasn't cleared it. I finished the antibiotics yesterday and started coughing again last night.

The Vertigo thing my daughter also had a while back. That part only lasted a few days, unless I move suddenly, then it ets wobbly again.


BD, yeah I have to take Forceval everyday (prescribed strength).

You got me thinking though, I must be due another shot of B12. I get run down when when I havent had it.



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alright mate had the very same thing,loss of balance going light headed screeching in my ears and deafness and was actually throwing up with the loss of balance,

i was walking like i was pissed, went to the hospital and they diagnosed labrynthitus, so gave me prochlorperazine maleate tablets, but the thing was it carried on

where the diziness and sickness stopped me working any way back to see a specialist did a load of tests and said i've not got labrynthitus, so did allergy tests

and i'm thinking what the f**k has an allergy got to do with loss of balance,sickness and no hearing anyway does the tests and was positive for everything he tested me for

so two years ago i became allergic to nuts seeds and lupins after going into anaphylaxis shock (very scary) now i'm allergic to dogs,cats,grass, dust and anything else you can think of, it seems when he put the camera up my nose its all inflamed which is pressing on a tube from my ears which releases the pressure, so get your doctor to check mate

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Go back to your GP and get a slow acting Antibiotic.What you are describing,i had twice in 3 yrs.I waited nearly a fortnight

before going to my GP,hoping it would clear up itself, it did not.Gave me an Antibiotic,like you it seemed as if they were working.

But soon as they were finished,i was still the same.Went back to my GP and he gave me a slow acting Antibiotic,cant remember the name of them.Within 2-3 days i began to feel better.




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im dying of toothach over last few weeks been in bed 9pm everynight smacked up on painkillers contemplating suicide.


got emergency dentist soon.


lesson learned the hard way should have listened when told to goto dentist as a rebel child.

feeling it now big time.


lifes what you make of it, and ive F##*3d mine up bigtime lol


hope your better soon tony mate

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