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How much and is it worth it ?

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Don't know how much it is worth and have had and still got AYA shot ties. For me they are the good but quality made Spanish gun.


My current project is to revamp completely a No 4 given to me by my Dad.


Try doing the woodwork yourself and you may even service the engine yourself. Re blueing and colour heating may be better done by someone in the know.


Don't be put off by the fact the Yeoman was the bog standard model.

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get some pictures up of your no 4 in stages tegater nice project , done a bit browsing on gun trader that yeoman got ejector so would have cost me £300 up over not bad for nothing and its better than shooting with the lump of wood av got an old Baikel ha atb ryhope toma

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Great gun, I have one aswell, I wouldn't bother spending money on mine as I abuse it in the field, its put many a rabbit on the table and all I ever do to it is oil it and run a bronze brush down the barrels now and again, its never let me down.

I used to have the number 4 before the yeoman and the stock split from the trigger to the buttplate so I part exed it for a 20 bore o/u while it was still in one piece, it was a good gun before that happened though.

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