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once in a lifetime

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Was out ferreting last weekend and the terrier took a strong hunt down a hedge and marked a burrow, through the buck in and within seconds i was ducking and diving with the fright ha, boy did me hunting mate laugh, not one but two hen pheasant bolted out of the burrow straight at me. Tell me now lads anyone experience this or something similar, im rabbiting thirty odd years and its a first for me.

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  On 09/01/2013 at 22:28, Bunny Boiler said:

I've seen Cats bolt before. And I've caught thick as sh*t pheasants in Fenn traps...

Yeah ive seen cats bolt and dug to a fox in a rabbit warren where i taught the ferret had killed,lucky i didnt get my hand ripped off.
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I had a large cock pheasant bolt from a hole. Scared the living day lights out of me.

I also had a rabbit literally swim out of an underwater hole (obviously it was the only hole I didn't net). There was a good 2 foot of water in it.

Has anyone had another ferret come out the hole before?

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  On 09/01/2013 at 22:34, huntingladjohn said:

iv bolted little owls, cats, iv had pheasants sat in one holers before but not right in just few inches most be to keep out of bad weather

Not sure how deep in they where but i can only think with the dog on there heels, fright drove them to ground why they didnt take flight, possibly at this time of the year they heard a shot or two.Weather was good.
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