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Tails docked.

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My jack Russell's just had her litter of pups and I'm taking them for the tails docked and there dew claws removed. But iv just been told that I will av to mark where I want the tails chopped. What length shall I mark them? The pups will be 4 days old.

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Why you choosing to have their dew claws off? Genuine question as its not something ive really come across with terriers, also if your off to the vets might save you a bob or two just getting them docked instead of all the dew claws as well.

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hold the pup on its back head away from you in one hand, hold the tip of its tail with the other hand and pull the tail gently inbetwean its back legs so its liying over were its balls or flu are going to be, the tail wants to come of at the belly side of genitels, this way the tail will be bang on, do it afew times to be sure, nowt looks worse than a wrong dock, mine all get done this way i never had a under or over dock, its the [bANNED TEXT] way, :thumbs:

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Not sure why I'm getting dew claws done i was told to get them done. Is it wrong to do them.

Having no dew claws won't do them any harm mate, a dew claw can in later life though but terriers don't need them removing really.

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a third off has allways worked for me when i had the odd litter i would allways check for rear dewclaws and they would be removed. but the front ones i left on. my old russell used to lick his due claw and clean his eyes with them. some dewclaws are set tight and low. i feel thse are of use to the dog. but some are set higher up the leg and are loose. these are no use this is just my observations. :D

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