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Kenneling a Pup this time of year...

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I could kennel them together yeh. But as already said I don't think it's very sensible to leave an 8 week pup with an adult.


He drives her mad jumping on her and biting at her. She is very tolerant. Shares her bones with him. Shares toys with him etc. But surely after 8 hours of being pounced on and her ears and tail bit then she would be in her rights to snap at him?


I felt better kennelling them side by side until he is a few months old.





its very rare that an adult dog will do any major harm to a pup, put in its place, yes, sometimes even draw blood, yes but major harm, no. pups have an inbuilt defense they squeel like pigs this is the ultimate submision in dog talk. ive always chucked pups in with both older dogs and bitches and had no major issues infact the last one is still in with his sire over 5 years later :thumbs:


I know what your saying Paulus and you are right that the pup does squeal like a pig, she only has to have a little growl and tap him with her paw and he runs off squealing. He soon comes running back though.


I just didnt want to take the risk, my terrier went one step too far and got a good shaking for her troubles, I wouldn't want the same to happen to this pup.


Quite often in the house the bitch will tolerate him for so long and then just want to get away from him, I will put a video up in a minute to show what I mean.


In a kennel I fear that he would just keep pestering and if she snapped too far even by accident he could be dead.


I would sooner just hang on a few weeks until he has calmed down and maybe try to kennel them together then. But I'm more than happy to keep them separate after the incident with lurcher and terrier last time.



I doubt you'll have an incident like with the terrier with this pup, she will no doubt rule the roost (dont they all) but a dog and a bitch won't fight like 2 of the same sex.

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do what you feel comfortable with. yes most adults especially males are very lenient with puppies but you dont want to spend the whole time your out worrying. and after all you are the only one who knows these dogs personally. stuff pups kennel with good bedding and it should be fine, and put some heating in if your concerned. i dont know what your set up is like, but one thing i have found helpful in the past is to set up a baffle outside the kennel entrance. just a board set upright directly in front of the door and with enough room for the dog to slip round it just so the wind doesnt blow straight in. i also got some of the clear rubbery/plastic strips they hang in the doors of cold rooms, cut to a size just bigger than the kennel door you can hang it from one edge so it works as a sort of cat flap if you get my drift

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If your kennels are up to scratch then there shouldnt be an issue. As regards kenneling an 8 week old pup with an adult(whilst unsupervised)ie nobody home..then i'd be inclined not to..its so easy for a pup to wind up an older dog and only takes one snap to have a dead/crippled pup....jmo ..atb stabba


If I had a dog that I thought would do that to an 8 week old pup it would be in the ground as it clearly isn't balanced right .... I always put a new pup in with an adult dog ... 8 weeks is very young for a pack animal to be expected to sleep on its own in a strange kennel ... Not good for its mental development IMO .... Pups need companionship comfort and an older dog to teach them limits, boundaries and correct behaviours ............

on this subject i have a couple of pups im bringing on and my older lurcher i think would certainly not tolerate other dogs,..................especially another bitch so she has her own kennel,.........and i certainly wouldnt want the pups kenneled on there own............so they share with older dogs...............

i would like to think i know my dogs well enough too know who will tolerate what.................really i can see both sides of the story and maybe im just over cautious.......

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Better to be cautious than come home to a dead or badly bitten pup. Heard of a terrier that killed a 15 week old Airedale pup, bigger than herself, in the time it took for the owner to go into the house to make a cup of tea: they'd always got on well before. Never worth the risk if you aren't 110% sure that the older dog is the 'auntie' sort.

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My bitch is really reluctant to tell this pup off. I've just had them in the living room for 3 hours and the pup didnt leave her alone for 10 seconds but she just kept taking it and trying to move away.


But not once did she growl or tell the pup off!?

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