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Fancy a free one, Photoshop that is!

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Adobe have shut the CS2 servers (Creative Suite 2 for all non nerds out there). This has some interesting free software on it, Photoshop included.


Now they were only supposed to publish the serial numbers, but they have put up software downloads too! So real, genuine free Adobe software!




Just make sure you save the page as well as you need the serial numbers!


Just thank Jams on Airgun BBS!

Edited by secretagentmole
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Follow these instructions provided by jams on the BBS to install!


1. Right-click each file (.exe file)

2. Select Properties then go to the Compatibility tab.

3. Put a check on the “Run this program in compatibility mode for” then select the previous OS which do you think it worked. For your case select Windows XP with Service Pack 3

4. Then under Privilege Level, place a check on “Run this program as administrator”

5. Click Apply then OK.



ignore disk 1 (we will come back to this)



Click disk 2 - but change the Save Files in folder destination to

C:\Creative Suite CS2\Adobe Creative Suite 2.0\



be default it goes to the wrong folder of C:\Creative Suite\Adobe Creative Suite 2.0\ - This later brings up an error of insert disk 2.



If it says Unable to create the specified output folder! - just click OK



Click Next




Click Disk 3 - making sure the address is C:\Creative Suite CS2



Click Next






Install the Extra Files if you want to






Now Click Disk 1 - Destionation folder - C:\Creative Suite CS2

Ignore Quicktime 6 message

Accept Agreement

Enter Serial - 1130-1414-7569-4457-6613-5551

Now you need to change the location as C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe is not valid

change it to C:\Progra~2\Adobe



If the next button stays greyed out, click back then go forward with the next button. All should now be good



Install the entire suite or just the components you require.



Select Do not Register on drop down on the registration page

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