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Went down to the pond last Friday to check on progress.

I have been feeding it up for the past three months but nothing was coming in as the valley has been flooded and most birds have been out in the fields.

However I was pleased to see a pair of mallard sitting in the middle. Great I thought now theyll attract more. However they soon spotted me and were off into the reeds quick smart only to reappear with three ducklings in tow!

Surely this is way too early or have the floods wiped out nests and they have started out early as a result?

Answers please.

Either way my duck shooting is curtailed for a considerable time.




Duck ning

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Either very early or very late! Having said that we had a mallard clocking 8 eggs in a mallard tunnel last year in mid January. If there getting good enough feeding i think they will more or less breed year round. I would be very surprised if any of your 3 ducklings make it to adulthood given the poor weather at the minute. Atb Mark :thumbs:

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Either very early or very late! Having said that we had a mallard clocking 8 eggs in a mallard tunnel last year in mid January. If there getting good enough feeding i think they will more or less breed year round. I would be very surprised if any of your 3 ducklings make it to adulthood given the poor weather at the minute. Atb Mark :thumbs:

Think you might be right. A sharp frost now will not do athem any good whatsoever.

I'm now keeping my eyes peeled for the inevitable visit from Mr Reynard.





Nightwatch ning

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