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My Whippet sliced a piece of his stopper, its not too bad, had him at the vets, who pulled off the dead skin.

advised being kept on a leash for a week, and to bathe the stopper three times a day with salt water, to harden stopper,

I said when back to running free, if out ferreting, I would put Vetwrap on it, for a couple of weeks, but the vet was not keen on this, preferring it not to be covered.

What could you use to harden stoppers, have read to use Friars Balsom, but theres as many against as for.

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Would of thought roadwork would be the answer.


The ground here is littered with sharp fragments of stone, Trev is always getting little slices and nicks on his ankles, at first he also got them on his pads but since I really got the roadwork going he has not cut his pads once (knock on wood :laugh: )



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I wouldn't bother with any hardening lotions & potions, stoppers will harden naturally with free running excercise and above all, work.

No need to try and make 'em any tougher, it's skin, and skin should have a 'natural' elasticity and the stopper needs to 'give' a bit on impact. Over hardening that skin will cause the surface to be brittle and it can rip or pop easier and cause much more damage that is harder to heal.

Damaged stoppers are a pain in the arse but provided you ain't daft with unsuitable ground, just look at it as an occupational hazard... ;)

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think i will leave it, no need to worry about road work or free running or work, as this dog is as fit as a fleah,

i think he was just unlucky slicing the pad on a stone or piece of glass, whilst chasing a Buggsy.

Thanks all for your help.


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think i will leave it, no need to worry about road work or free running or work, as this dog is as fit as a fleah,

i think he was just unlucky slicing the pad on a stone or piece of glass, whilst chasing a Buggsy.

Thanks all for your help.



Think you might be missing mate the point the roadwork in this case is not just for fitness it's to allow the pads to become naturally harder.

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soaking in a strong salt solution several times a day does work. some people use epsom salts but regular salt will do just as well. quite whether this will help the stopper pads to stay cut-freeor not i dont know, but it will harden the skin for sure.

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Roadwork hardens 'foot pads', it does nothing for 'stopper pads' as they don't touch the floor. Roadwork is also excellent for all aspects of feet and fitness but 'stopper's need to be used to be right, that can only come from free motion and using them stopping.

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