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Missing the Air gun days. Come on lads share your love stories/ memories of the early days

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I would say I am fairly new to this forum and since joining I have gained loads of experience tips etc.


Had the oppurtuinty to meet some guys face to face for a shoot.


Got my first permission with the help of some good papers.


All the advice I needed along with buying a cabinet to get my fac.


All this and all I seem to do know is go out with my .22lr (had to sell my beloved BSA hornet to fund it) I know have no air rifle where my true loyalty has always lied. I am currently swapping my nv I don't use for a BSA meteor and I can't wait to get it and go out with a springer shooting targets cans etc as I did when I had my first rifle( again a meteor) at 12.


Guess what I'm trying to get at is no matter how much a air gunner can get wrapped up into fac rated guns I bet there are many like me that will be just as happy to punch holes in paper in the backyard!


Another memory just popped into my head, that first memory of my meteor is I swapped a friends video £15 and a gameboy camera to get it lol. Only in my own wisdom after six months to upgrade the spring to a square section one that made the trigger impossible the gun vibrate like mad and eventually the stock fly off. But my god it increased the power lol.


Good times!

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