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Righty ho.


10 1/2 yr old working cocker. Worked hard so is VERY fit. Up until 4 weeks ago was still working cover on every walk and is addicted to getting wet.


Had the shits for a few days, but lost a fair bit of weight, went all scrawny round the hips and spine.


After that, his stomach bloated up, really hard. Consulted the vet and found the following


Stomach contents were almost pure water (not drinking excessively)

Protiens in blood were very low. Ultrasound clear no blockages.


So, water retention and possible gut / bowel issue, stopping the transfer of protiens into the system


Took water tablets, swelling went down. This has been reoccuring over the last 3 weeks, the tablets keep it down, but then it reappears and goes again.


The wieght has not really came back. Diet has been changed, and stools are now solid, (has relapses when suspected of stealing the lurchers food,, attempting to separate strictly)


Vet has decided to try antibiotics to combat possible gut infection to see if weight comes back and food is properly digested, this starts tonight.

Failing that wants to try steroids to combat the gut issue. Will try this but that will be a last resort.



The dog seems chirpy enough, but gets lethargic when swollen, seems to be discomferted and has the odd pee accident (not dogs fault at all so no issue)


The weight sems to have steadied, but is not increasing, any further reduction in weight will become an issue for the dog as he is losing muscle mass from the hip, rear end area.



So , to recap. the main issue is the failure to absorb protiens from food, (higher protien food won`t work as he is not absorbing it) The wtaer retention may be a symton of the gut issue, kidneys not funtioning correctly ??


Could this be a poisoning issue??



As I say, I am consulting the vet and trust them to be honest but thought I would throw this one on THL as there may be someone who has had experience of similar issues.


I`ve already had one Spaniel PTS this year, would prefer not to make it two.


Thanks for any info or ideas folks

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This is exactely what the dogs has, the underlying cause in this case is a lowering of the Albumin level in the blood, This is the protein issue I have mentioned.


The treatments for this are exactely what we are doing, water tablets etc etc.


The main issue is the lack of Albumins, Protiens in the blood, it`s THAT root cause that I`m trying to identify.


Thanks for that ,, was a spot on link for my issue.

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