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getting permission?

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been asking about locally about getting permission to work my ferrets... the response seems to be.... good luck, its like getting blood from a stone...


why are people so against letting you work ferrets on their land if its over run with rabbits? i dont understand :blink:



any tips on finding somewhere to work them? seems like this is going to be a none starter.



can you go ferreting is woods and industrial estates or is it illegal?

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You can ferret anywhere you get permission mate,, Think away from farms

I do caravan parks, cemetries, orchards industrial estates, private gardens ! etc etc


Farmers are the worst people in the world to deal with,, they all have something missing in the head, so avoiding them might make it easier for you. !



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i wrote letters introducing myself, explained what you can do and any info you'd like to put across to the land owner. so if you have insurance, references etc etc.


then give it a couple of weeks and then call them and what you get. most farmers aren't exactly socialable,(their best mate is a cow or a ewe, so give them some credit) so it'll be hard to talk to them.


As for woods and industrial estates....it all belongs to someone and without their permission, its illegal

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Ive always gone and knocked in person to wherever i could see rabbits. 2 knocks and 2 permissions granted. But over the years i hate to think how many knock backs i got. But once you get permissions especially on farms or private gardens word of mouth is a good thing especially if you treat your permissions with respect., i tend to ring the day before if im going out , one reason is the cattle will be in certain fields and can see wheres good for me to get the stinkers working and make sure the fences will be offf ....so as not to interfere with me locators or me getting a jolt. If i see anything around that aint right then i'll always inform the landowners......you look after them they looking after you.


Just keep knocking bud, you will eventually get a yes. Im only using stinkers and nets, no dogs which think helps as no worries for livestock or anything like that....and i tend to leave the cammo gear at home when knocking ......dont want them thinking im johnny rambo. Perseverance mate keep with it and it'll all come together for you.


Good luck.

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i might be in luck, been asking around some mates etc turns out 1 of them is a member of a cricket club, theres woodlands along side the cricket field which is full of rabbits, apparently they want the rabbits controlling as they are nacking the field, he said a couple of the lads tried to shoot them last year but to no luck and they are looking for some 1 to get the numbers down abit, so hes having a word with the owner about me going there! :boogy:

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i got some flyers made advertising FERRETING WANTED and i put them on the advertising board at my local horse and animal feed supplyer ,ive picked up 2 small permissions over the last month :toast: and one of them is going to recomend me to the guy next door who has a small holding :D :D . just keep trying atb .....jim

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