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I wonder how much you get for that Bear Bile stuff?.........and I also wonder if one of those cages would fit in my shed?


Apparently it's about £130,000 per pound. Pretty expensive alright! Was reading and apparently one farm in china has over 500 bears! No wonder they are fighting to keep it legal.


It also apears that it is done throughout the Asian continent. Not just china.

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It's difficult to view these things with western eyes, China just has such a different culture to ours.

Asians have no morals whatsoever, they couldn`t care less about a child being run over in the street, so never mind any animal that some chink voodoo doc says will cure their cancer.   Ignorant , st

I wonder how much you get for that Bear Bile stuff?.........and I also wonder if one of those cages would fit in my shed?

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130 large huh!?......wonder how long it takes to produce a pound?........and where can I buy a bear? Lol

Here but there probably dearer than importing a b*****d all the way form China... :laugh:


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dont surprise me those fooking waps..............when me grandad was alive ..........he told me a few stories when he was at war with these cruel bas""rds............

what they use to do to prisoners of war .................there imortal.........

how the feck do they get away it................

why dont they hang around in pub/nightclub toilets on a friday saturday night ,..plenty of human bile if thats any help to there medicines lol


Your Grandad fought the Chinese? Which war was that then? :whistling:

sorry japs............there all the fecking same................

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Guys, can we please not joke about this? it's vomitously cruel and if antis came across these last couple of pages, there'd be HELL to pay. I know it's only jokes, but it's possibly not the right subject to joke about at the moment. It's not just the bears, today in Tsavo East National Park, Kenya, an entire family of 11 elephants was slaughtered, simply for their tusks, which will end up in China. As shooters ourselves, however indirect the link, we can still be tarnished with the same brush as people like this, and any anti would love to make the link.




That's the article on the elephants, for anyone who wants a depressing read

Edited by chrisjpainter
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Hell to pay my arse, what are any antis gonna say that's worse than they are already saying?......they ain't interested in facts or if we are " humane" hunters so they can kiss my hole !


Now then, ivory cups to drink your bear bile from anyone?

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So it's ok for you not to be interested in the facts, but not them? come on. if you watched someone shoot a deer badly, so that it didn't kill it, but caused it catastrophic pain, and did that twice a day, to the same deer for the rest of its life, never allowing the wound to heal, constantly opening up both the external flesh and internal organs to infection, would it be such a joke?

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So it's ok for you not to be interested in the facts, but not them? come on. if you watched someone shoot a deer badly, so that it didn't kill it, but caused it catastrophic pain, and did that twice a day, to the same deer for the rest of its life, never allowing the wound to heal, constantly opening up both the external flesh and internal organs to infection, would it be such a joke?

if your so bothered about the fkn bears get your arse out to china and do something about it ,, your waisting your time banging your drum hear ;)
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