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It's difficult to view these things with western eyes, China just has such a different culture to ours.

Asians have no morals whatsoever, they couldn`t care less about a child being run over in the street, so never mind any animal that some chink voodoo doc says will cure their cancer.   Ignorant , st

I wonder how much you get for that Bear Bile stuff?.........and I also wonder if one of those cages would fit in my shed?

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Because I can't be in the namib working on cheetah conservation projects, the Kalahari working with leopards and then be in China working to prevent bear bile harvesting, as well as working in this country to fund it all...

that sais it all !! do you hugg trees aswell :laugh:
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Done my bit...................Just shit through my takeaways letterbox.

That'll be a number 72 by tomorrow then............. :laugh:
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Done my bit...................Just shit through my takeaways letterbox.

That'll be a number 72 by tomorrow then............. :laugh:

.......with sweetcorn and gravy :bad:

...and noodles.....You'd better get on the Drontal Plus........ :whistling:
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So it's ok for you not to be interested in the facts, but not them? come on. if you watched someone shoot a deer badly, so that it didn't kill it, but caused it catastrophic pain, and did that twice a day, to the same deer for the rest of its life, never allowing the wound to heal, constantly opening up both the external flesh and internal organs to infection, would it be such a joke?


To be honest, no I am not interested in the facts at all.....we are very big in the west for rocking up to some other fekkers country and telling them how to live their life......no different from a bunch on antis telling us how to live our life.


Busy body's is the term I think.


And no, I don't give a flying bollocks what some anti says on their web site as what they don't know they make up anyway.......what they gonna do, overturn the hunting ban cause I slagged off a chinaman?



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Chrisjpainter - you sound like a tree hugger.


I haven't read all the comments. Don't get me wrong this isn't nice, but it happens and will continue to happen and is none of our fecking business.


It doesn't affect us or our families. It puts food on the table for someone. Live and let live springs to mind.


Everyone is so tied up in other people's business thousands of miles away, feck it. Let them crack on.


I watched the video on the Chinese fur trade the other week, they hit the dogs over the head, skin them alive and then throw them in a pile, skinned and still moving.


Needless, barbaric, call it what you will. But what's the difference between us petitioning against that and the antis petitioning against out sport?


I'm sure the antis see taking fox with dogs equally as barbaric as this shit that goes on in china. Rightly or wrongly. Who cares.


Your either of attitude a or b in my opinion...


A. Crack on and do your own thing. Enjoy life. Ignore others.


B. Spend your life interfereing in other people's business and trying to make the world a better place. In turn wasting your own life.


Just my opinion. Don't lynch me.



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Guys, can we please not joke about this? it's vomitously cruel and if antis came across these last couple of pages, there'd be HELL to pay. I know it's only jokes, but it's possibly not the right subject to joke about at the moment. It's not just the bears, today in Tsavo East National Park, Kenya, an entire family of 11 elephants was slaughtered, simply for their tusks, which will end up in China. As shooters ourselves, however indirect the link, we can still be tarnished with the same brush as people like this, and any anti would love to make the link.




That's the article on the elephants, for anyone who wants a depressing read


Look, we're just having a giggle about depressing stuff, it's what the British do, doesn't mean we agree with any of it or have a pint on order now does it. I really don't care what the antis think to this thread tbh, none of us are condoning it, some of us are being a bit more understanding/accepting of other cultures. The antis have thrown that much shit in our direction, jokes about bile bears taken out of context is really like taking a piss in the ocean.


It's sad stuff, and if some f*****g asian tried doing it over here they'd want hanging! But I'm quite a strong believer in keeping our noses out of other nations business. We have our own opinions on right and wrong and morality but I really don't think it's our right to enforce 'our' morality on others.

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