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Ferret court is almost finished. ive been on it for 2 days straight already :laugh: Anyway im looking for some decent piping to attach to the walls in the court for the stinkys to run threw but my quistion is is wheres the best place to get it from and whats the best sort to use. looked on egay and most of it look like sweatshop rubbish so just need some guidance here.

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The corrugated, plastic land drainage pipe is good, either 4" (100mm) or 6" (160mm) diameter. The corrugations leave a surface which the ferrets can grip which it great for slopes. Because it's flexible you can take it around corners, up, down, whenever you like without having to cut and re-join it everytime you change direction. Comes in several colours but black is best as it lets in less daylight through the side walls. You can get 'T' junctions if you want to get real clever and make a maize. Lastly, it can come with drainage holes (normal), or without, but it doesn't matter which as the holes are only minute perforations. You can get this from builders yards or agricultural suppliers, but the smallest rolls are usually 25mtr. Take a look at http://www.lbsgardenwarehouse.co.uk/product.asp?src=BGWebsite&pf_id=BDSP03&name=spade&sfile=1&jump=4 but you will find it cheaper locally to you. Try sniffing around any building sites for an off-cut like Brainy suggested.

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You might be looking on the wrong site mate pmsl.

I use land drainage 100mm also got some clear flexible stuff that you can tie in knots and stuff its called PVU ducting i think but its not too cheap but its strong stuff mine havnt ripped it.



Edited by joe14
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You might be looking on the wrong site mate pmsl.

I use land drainage 100mm also got some clear flexible stuff that you can tie in knots and stuff its called PVU ducting i think but its not too cheap but its strong stuff mine havnt ripped it.



thats a tidy set up youve got,bet it keeps them in good shape

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4 or 6 inch flexi pipe will do the job mate , building sites is your best bit they will probs give it to u for nothing


If there are any solar panel farms being built near you, go along there and there will be loads of decent lengths in their skip. :thumbs:

Cheers, D.

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