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Help needed AGAIN!!!!!!

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Started my dog out hunting today 9 month old 3/4 grey 1/4 collie when I take him running he's fine but today he wouldn't come bk even wouldn't take help from me only got him bk by chance I.e grabbing him just seems if he's blanking me he's fine in garden and when he aloud in house I've tried to b more exiting fir him praising him rubbing him he's still a daft pup but I'm losing patience big time there was another 2 dogs there they were fine after chases came bk but mine would just hang about hates going bk on lead any genuine ideas guys cheers

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  On 06/01/2013 at 18:22, Robert morrison said:

Started my dog out hunting today 9 month old 3/4 grey 1/4 collie when I take him running he's fine but today he wouldn't come bk even wouldn't take help from me only got him bk by chance I.e grabbing him just seems if he's blanking me he's fine in garden and when he aloud in house I've tried to b more exiting fir him praising him rubbing him he's still a daft pup but I'm losing patience big time there was another 2 dogs there they were fine after chases came bk but mine would just hang about hates going bk on lead any genuine ideas guys cheers

take him out more and lern some patience ;)
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Am no expert but take something out with you worth coming back for ie treats, bits of chicken or something! And when your out walking don't just call him back when your wanting him on the leash! Call him give him a treat and let him have a rake again so he doesn't think when you say come he's going back on the lead! Dunno if this will help but it worked for me!!!


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  On 06/01/2013 at 18:47, bluhunter said:

Am no expert but take something out with you worth coming back for ie treats, bits of chicken or something! And when your out walking don't just call him back when your wanting him on the leash! Call him give him a treat and let him have a rake again so he doesn't think when you say come he's going back on the lead! Dunno if this will help but it worked for me!!!

Atbaye mate cheers any help is appreciated ill try that tomorrow it's a nightmare

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  On 06/01/2013 at 18:22, Robert morrison said:

Started my dog out hunting today 9 month old 3/4 grey 1/4 collie when I take him running he's fine but today he wouldn't come bk even wouldn't take help from me only got him bk by chance I.e grabbing him just seems if he's blanking me he's fine in garden and when he aloud in house I've tried to b more exiting fir him praising him rubbing him he's still a daft pup but I'm losing patience big time there was another 2 dogs there they were fine after chases came bk but mine would just hang about hates going bk on lead any genuine ideas guys cheers

the behaviour of the dog is just a print out of the relationship, every bad mannered pup outside will come when called inside because normally there is something in it for the mutt,

somewhere in your relationship with the dog there's a kink in the works, could be confrontation in the past, or interactions with the pup are just not generating any interest for him,

whatever it is you need more positive interaction, play is ideal in bridging problems relationships, have the pup coming into your space more , handfeed the pup im not talking about treats here , make him work for his dinner make him push into you for food , making contact paws and all up close and personal if ya like, it changes his perception of you from a negative to a positive,

have you worked on retrieve with him ???

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Back to basics!


You could also try hiding from him when he ignors you after first call, he will soon panic and come looking for you. All the time you are shouting at him you are just telling him where you are so he is happy to carry on doing what he does safe in the knowledge that you are still there, reinforce your position in the pack as the alpha! When mine are hunting up in front they will always check to see where I am and come back when called

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  On 06/01/2013 at 19:32, Casso said:
  On 06/01/2013 at 18:22, Robert morrison said:

Started my dog out hunting today 9 month old 3/4 grey 1/4 collie when I take him running he's fine but today he wouldn't come bk even wouldn't take help from me only got him bk by chance I.e grabbing him just seems if he's blanking me he's fine in garden and when he aloud in house I've tried to b more exiting fir him praising him rubbing him he's still a daft pup but I'm losing patience big time there was another 2 dogs there they were fine after chases came bk but mine would just hang about hates going bk on lead any genuine ideas guys cheers

the behaviour of the dog is just a print out of the relationship, every bad mannered pup outside will come when called inside because normally there is something in it for the mutt,

somewhere in your relationship with the dog there's a kink in the works, could be confrontation in the past, or interactions with the pup are just not generating any interest for him,

whatever it is you need more positive interaction, play is ideal in bridging problems relationships, have the pup coming into your space more , handfeed the pup im not talking about treats here , make him work for his dinner make him push into you for food , making contact paws and all up close and personal if ya like, it changes his perception of you from a negative to a positive,

have you worked on retrieve with him ???

yep when I throw the ball for him he comes straight bk to me with ball just seems if he's to exited when he is on the fields
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If you look through my post I had the same probs my dog was good with recall to whistle then one day all of a sudden he turned looked at me n carried on running off the madder I got the more he run I went back to basics long lead calling him giving him treats also give him treats [bANNED TEXT] ur putting him on the lead this will let him no its not a bad thing to go on the lead then let him straight back off! I put it down to them being young and testing patience to see wat they can get away with my lurcher is 2 now n is like a totally different dog I also was ready for getting rid my patience was gone but am so glad I dint now made a reyt good dog hope this helps

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Try walking off and dont turn round just keep walking, :angel: I bet he will come running :huh: it worked for one I had, and when she did come running I said GET f---ing HERE :censored: put the lead on and went home end of hunting for her that day.


Try this when walking with the lead on let them pull in front then say GET BACK with a yank they soon get that Get Back means get back to your side, or give a :whistling::thumbs:

Edited by kevin-Day
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My whippet is only just gone 4 months and when i take him for a walk hes off the lead more thann hes on, make sure your dog knows hes down wrong when he dosent return, tap on the nose for example and when he does return make sure u really praise him up!:D

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Had same trouble with my collie x was dwn to me an the house training I think, I'm used to owning english bulls and getting a collie x whippet is a considerable change in temperment was simply 2 firm and 2 hardly spoken for such an inteligent timid x we have worked out our rapor now tho, and I swear I dnt have to tell har anything more thn once nw perfect recall and hardly on a lead! I found not diciplining her worked for me well nt shout at her like a bull terrier simply ignoring her completely when she done wrong, she hates it just comes begging! Still have to tell ma ebt everything 50 times and flick her nose just to get her into acknowlege me haha an she is 6 :s

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  On 07/01/2013 at 07:03, hunter96 said:

My whippet is only just gone 4 months and when i take him for a walk hes off the lead more thann hes on, make sure your dog knows hes down wrong when he dosent return, tap on the nose for example and when he does return make sure u really praise him up! :D

Well yes, but every dog is different, and each mix is different too. My dog comes in to the whistle, but he wouldn't if he was hunting.

And I don't walk him off-lead, because I don't have the control yet. He's over 2 years but a deerhound X which, it is well-recognised, take an age to mature.


To the OP - take your time and the dog will come good. And forget all about flicking your dog's nose.

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