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Photo of dogs shite this morning, don't look if eating

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To be honest the more I look at that the more IT DOESN'T look like blood ... Blood in a stool is either really red or realy dark and tar like ... I would starve the dog for 24 hours then give a pro biotic yogurt then start with small feeds of boiled rice thoroughly washed out of all starch and boiled chicken ... Real small meals every 3 hours over a 24 hour period and then increase the meals until the dog is fine then back onto normal food ... However if the dog isn't taking on fluids or doesn't start to recover get to the vets ........

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To be honest the more I look at that the more IT DOESN'T look like blood ... Blood in a stool is either really red or realy dark and tar like ... I would starve the dog for 24 hours then give a pro bi

Could be a bad case of Colitis mate... light meals of chicken and rice and a quick course of anti-biotics could sort it...but if the dog is down in itsself then i'd take a trip to the vet just to be o

As I told you earlier mate starve for 24 hours then give a probiotic yogurt boil up chicken and rice wash the rice until the water runs clear ... Start off with a handful every few hours and build it

  On 06/01/2013 at 19:36, shep123 said:

so do you reckon both shits are off the same dog cuz if it is then it looks like what ever happend, happend after the first dump do you know what im saying bri so it could have been something sharp moved to cause the bleeding stick stone bone etc

I put a knuckle bone in the kennel 2 days ago, but there big raw knuckle bones so maybe something off of that?? But apart from that too be honest she's never really been a chewer, doesn't bother with sticks or bones tbh. But she also seems very lathargic which is more alarming. May just be a big so will have to see in the morning I spose

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  On 06/01/2013 at 21:02, bullrussellmoocher said:

has the dog had any more shites ? of the same mate i,d give a day or 2 before going vets.. goodluck


If it's Parvo a couple of days may be all you need to kill your dog. But I hope I'm wrong. The vet will confirm or deny!

Edited by BOLIO1
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  On 06/01/2013 at 21:22, BOLIO1 said:
  On 06/01/2013 at 21:02, bullrussellmoocher said:

has the dog had any more shites ? of the same mate i,d give a day or 2 before going vets.. goodluck


If it's Parvo a couple of days may be all you need to kill your dog. But I hope I'm wrong. The vet will confirm or deny!

Like I said before both of my dogs are up to date with all there jabs so can't see how it would be parvo...

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  On 06/01/2013 at 21:27, Brian-911 said:
  On 06/01/2013 at 21:11, socks said:

Is the dog dehydrated ........

How do I know if she's dehydrated the 2 dogs are kennelled together with one drink bowl so I'm not sure how to tell socks ?? Cheers



grab her by the scruff of the neck and scruntch her fur up(gently) and see how quickly the hair/skin goes back into place..if its rather slowly the dogs dehydrated... get some fluids into her

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As I said earlier fella pinch the scruff on the back of her neck lift it up and let go if it springs back down she is hydrated ... If it stays up like a tent the dog is dehydrated ...........

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brian put some sugar in her water and feed her yogurt [probiotic] and scrambled egg if shes not drinking put the sugar water in a squeeze bottle and squirt it down her neck but you must keep her hydrated if she gets any worse get her up to see mike shepard hes a good old fashion vet and wont cost you the earth

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  On 07/01/2013 at 12:25, TOPPER said:

brian put some sugar in her water and feed her yogurt [probiotic] and scrambled egg if shes not drinking put the sugar water in a squeeze bottle and squirt it down her neck but you must keep her hydrated if she gets any worse get her up to see mike shepard hes a good old fashion vet and wont cost you the earth

I just clocked her drinking but she's lost weight, and it's literally squirting out her ass. It's not blood just very dark shite. Se wants to eat as went mad when I was cleaning the bowls. I bought some chicken breast was gonna give her that with rice but the shite is terrible. Dunno what to do now. The other dog seems fine. Shall I just go get some yogurt and eggs you think yeah ?

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have you been to the vet? an intestinal blockage can cause diarrhea and death, internal damage from sharp objects like bones can cause infections this to me isnt an egg yoghurt and boiled chicken issue. go to the vet get the dog checked out.

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