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I saw a lynx when I was in Spain out on the lamp. I thought it was a fox at first and was about to slip until I saw it move like a cat. Lucky I didn't send the dog in, would of been nasty.


Also saw some strange things in the sky. I will say UFO only because they were unidentified to me. Was out in Ireland lamping one night on the mountain when this giant thing flew over me really low. Only making a slight buzzing noise and covered in different coloured lights and diamond in shape. Not a helicopter or a plane. Still don't know what it was to this day. Was ufo sightings in the paper over the next couple of weeks. f**k knows :blink:

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funny one was out on night with a local lad we was going through a wood pitch black light comes on and lights us up lad starts to run wack run straight in to a low branch out for the count goes over t

what the weirdest or funniest thing you've every seen in the field . come on people let hear your stories thanks

a body wrapped in bubble wrap and a bag over his head and feet when lamping lying in cow shit with cows all around him.i put this up a while back and ill put it up again and thats the truth

I saw a lynx when I was in Spain out on the lamp. I thought it was a fox at first and was about to slip until I saw it move like a cat. Lucky I didn't send the dog in, would of been nasty.


Also saw some strange things in the sky. I will say UFO only because they were unidentified to me. Was out in Ireland lamping one night on the mountain when this giant thing flew over me really low. Only making a slight buzzing noise and covered in different coloured lights and diamond in shape. Not a helicopter or a plane. Still don't know what it was to this day. Was ufo sightings in the paper over the next couple of weeks. f**k knows :blink:

same thing happened to a lad of here it was a very clear night with stars everywhere,they spotted a light coming towards them at some speed from the sky they thought it was the police helicopter til it got about 100ft away then just vanished in the blink of an eye they got in the car and f****d of sharpish :laugh:
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Once saw a bloke dragging a womens body through a field at 3am middle of winter,so chased after him and ended up in the woods,looked everywere no sign of him,walked to the other side of the wood,and there hanging off the barbed wire was a leg.............................................................off a blowup doll!


People amaze me sometimes.

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funny one was out on night with a local lad we was going through a wood pitch black light comes on and lights us up lad starts to run wack run straight in to a low branch out for the count goes over to him to see how he was he opens his eyes and says put kettle on :laugh: killed me turns out the light was from a car going round the bend on the lane still makes me giggle. atb

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funny one was out on night with a local lad we was going through a wood pitch black light comes on and lights us up lad starts to run wack run straight in to a low branch out for the count goes over to him to see how he was he opens his eyes and says put kettle on :laugh: killed me turns out the light was from a car going round the bend on the lane still makes me giggle. atb


Put the Kettle on. LOL :laugh: :laugh:

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a body wrapped in bubble wrap and a bag over his head and feet when lamping lying in cow shit with cows all around him.i put this up a while back and ill put it up again and thats the truth :yes:

i remember that....still don't believe you.... Lol
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Years ago I was lamping and on way back I was walking along the edge of the field along side the houses. It was about 0230 in the moning and I glanced up at my mates window and saw him banging some burd on his kitchen bunker.


I had no option other than to shine 2 million candles through his window. Not sure if she got a fright or if he is just great in the sack but she screamed her head off ha ha



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a body wrapped in bubble wrap and a bag over his head and feet when lamping lying in cow shit with cows all around him.i put this up a while back and ill put it up again and thats the truth :yes:

i remember that....still don't believe you.... Lol

same as that story about you gettig that fox.no one believed it :laugh: :laugh:
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a body wrapped in bubble wrap and a bag over his head and feet when lamping lying in cow shit with cows all around him.i put this up a while back and ill put it up again and thats the truth :yes:

i remember that....still don't believe you.... Lol

same as that story about you gettig that fox.no one believed it :laugh: :laugh:

lol.... I've got video footage off that though...;-)
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a body wrapped in bubble wrap and a bag over his head and feet when lamping lying in cow shit with cows all around him.i put this up a while back and ill put it up again and thats the truth :yes:

i remember that....still don't believe you.... Lol

same as that story about you gettig that fox.no one believed it :laugh: :laugh:

lol.... I've got video footage off that though...;-)

ay that could be anyones
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a body wrapped in bubble wrap and a bag over his head and feet when lamping lying in cow shit with cows all around him.i put this up a while back and ill put it up again and thats the truth :yes:

i remember that....still don't believe you.... Lol

same as that story about you gettig that fox.no one believed it :laugh: :laugh:

lol.... I've got video footage off that though...;-)

ay that could be anyones

am in it... Lol
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My brother and I were up in this eccentric old farmers place one night. We could hear something the banging of rock against rock so we went up for a look. It was the farmer out picking stones by moonlight! He said the contractor was booked for the next day so he had to get the stones picked. I told him get up in the tractor and we picked the field clean for him. He was delighed and now he lets us lamp off his quad whenever we want it.

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