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handy morning

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well flat feet he may have but it didnt stop him this morning having success.Had 3 runs,and one was a grueller and he stayed well even if he didnt catch.The 2 cd was a burst across a very long field,the dog was loose,the hare rose at 20-30 yards in front,4 good turns job done .i was well pleased. the 3 rd run was a short affair,30 yards from a ditch and 1 turn and the hare hit the cover and ran the lenght of the stream.pup went unsighted.





the ground was just a little wet,to be fair


but where the dog caught was not quiet as bad as those places


Edited by jigsaw
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Thanks guys,the runs over here have to be fast and furious,they dont last 2 minutes most times.the trouble with the fields over here is if they rise close to cover or a ditch they just dissapear before the dog has a chance to get into them,but you need a fast dog to get straight in and turn them and forget 60 yard slips,if you do that the hare is in the next county before the dog is off the slip.I knew he'd chase well but unsure if hed pick first time,well he horsed the hare off the ground so happy out.Nothernlite you could have something there,lol.bornhunter this is the worst season in all my years,no rabbits and very few hares this year.Im contemplating reducing the dogs cause I just cant get the runs for them I was out last sat week,A BLANK :censored: ...out Sunday 1 bit of a run....out monday 3 runs,1 was very good,long run but he evaded capture.the other 2 had a few turns and into cover and up a drain it ran......tuesday a blank :censored: :censored: .......thursday, 1 very short run,and saw 2 more but no fun.Today was that bit better thankfully.

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Do you get them sat tight in cover mate? My terrier hunts like a fecking spaniel and often puts hares up within kicking distance! Might be worth getting someone with a spaniel out with you maybe. I like your land for the same reason you probably don't, looks good cover for a bit of proper hunting & flushing and dogs have to be up and at em.

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BH the hares are so scarce over here we dont show or tell anyone else where we go,I dont take a terrier as they just feck off to ground and the hare day becomes a nightmare day.I havent hunted with bushing dogs in years.

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